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Our tips for naturally lightening the complexion

There are dozens of reasons to want to brighten the complexion of the face . Among the most recurrent:being fed up with your dull complexion, wanting to unify your complexion, getting rid of the pregnancy mask, saying goodbye to acne scars or even fading age spots. In short, the causes are multiple and above all, they are specific to each!

On the other hand, what we can tell you with certainty is that there are good and bad ways to lighten the complexion of the face. The best way to lighten your skin according to us? Natural care and tips, of course.

Besides, good news for you, in the following article, we give you all our tips and tricks to lighten the complexion naturally !

Our tips for naturally lightening the complexion

What is the benefit of having a clearer complexion?

It's no secret that keeping skin bright and smooth and clear complexion and united, it is not given to everyone! Indeed, the passing years and the many aggressions that our skin undergoes daily can lead to pigmentation disorders on the skin.

For example, if you were prone to acne during your teenage years, you may have stubborn scars still today. If you had a baby recently, chances are you still have your pregnancy mask on. Pregnancy mask, or melasma, is hyperpigmentation of the skin due to melanin production more important. It is translated by brown spots on the face. If you have mature skin, you may have noticed dark spots on your face or on your hands.

All these peculiarities of the skin of the face can be experienced more or less well by the people who experience them, but good news, they are not definitive! We can completely lighten the complexion naturally and find a skin in which we feel good.

Improve the appearance of your complexion naturally

To lighten the complexion naturally, you can use several ingredients and treatments. Natural products are and always will be the best way to take care of the skin, no matter what you want to do!

Protect your skin from the sun

Of course, lightening your complexion naturally starts with thinking about protecting your skin from UV rays with sunscreen. For that, nothing better than a sunscreen with high SPF , regardless of your skin color. Yes, skin color doesn't matter when it comes to the sun. Black skins can sunburn like white skins! Sun creams are therefore essential to avoid sunburn, but also the depigmentation of the skin that can follow.

The little +? They are very important for slowing down skin aging. These are essential products for an anti-aging routine!

Our tips for naturally lightening the complexion

Hydrate your skin

Another essential gesture to take care of your complexion:moisturize your skin daily! If your wish is to lighten your complexion naturally, we advise you to swap your moisturizer for natural care with lightening properties.

Which oil or butter to lighten the complexion?

There are several oils and butters that can be used to simultaneously moisturize, nourish and brighten the complexion!

  • Coconut Oil is perfect thanks to its richness in lauric acid and vitamin F, two components that act on the pigmentation of the skin.
  • Apricot Kernel Vegetable Oil clarifies the complexion and gives a boost to its radiance.
  • Shea butter , rich in vitamin A, antioxidants and fatty acids, offers anti-inflammatory properties and helps to brighten the complexion.
  • Bearberry Oil , rich in arbutin, controls the overproduction of melanin and limits the appearance of dark spots.

For reasons of skin tolerance, choose organic and natural vegetable oils! For a more sensory application, you can add a little aloe vera to your vegetable oil. Aloe vera has lightening, anti-inflammatory and healing properties that make it a real ally for the skin!

Perform scrubs

Another way to lighten your complexion:perform grain or fruit acid scrubs. Using circular movements, the grains erase scars in relief, eliminate dead cells and accelerate blood circulation. As for fruit acids , they are perfect for unifying and brightening the complexion naturally, as they promote cell renewal!

Our tips for naturally lightening the complexion

How to improve your skin tone with homemade face masks?

Lightening your complexion naturally can also be done using natural products available at home (lemon juice, yogurt, milk, honey, etc.). Good news, the tips are super simple and quick!


The lemon juice , thanks to its richness in vitamin C, minerals and trace elements, is ideal for brightening the complexion. Leave it on for a few minutes on clean skin, once a week, before rinsing it off with clean water!

Caution :lemon juice is not recommended for sensitive skin.

Milk - Yogurt

The milk and yogurts are rich in enzymes, vitamins B12 and lactic acid, three lightening agents. To perform this treatment, simply put a little milk or yogurt on the face and rinse with warm water after a few minutes! To do every day.


The honey is an excellent ingredient for the skin:it has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, balancing and healing properties. All its properties also make it the lightening ingredient perfect for the skin! To use it, just put a good layer of honey on your face, wait about ten minutes and rinse with warm water!

NUOO tip :to reinforce the action of honey, you can add a little aloe vera!

Our tips for naturally lightening the complexion


Thanks to a composition rich in enzymes, the cucumber has very interesting lightening virtues. In case of sunburn, it stops the action of melanin and keeps a uniform and clear complexion naturally!

You have in hand all our tips for lightening the complexion naturally ! The advantage of the latter is that they are all very gentle on the skin and that in addition to clarifying it, they will even out the complexion . Bright skin is yours!