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5 key active ingredients for a radiant complexion

#1 Hyaluronic acid

Whether internal or external, hydration is the remedy to prioritize for skin ailments . Drinking a sufficient amount of water daily is necessary, not only for our health but also for our skin. Hydration helps to naturally and gently cleanse our body . Combined with physical exercise, the body is detoxified . This purification of the body helps to refresh the complexion .

Hydration also extends to the treatments used. All skin types need hydration, whether oily, dry, sensitive or mature. Thanks to moisturizers , the skin is plumped and regains all its radiance. The organic radiance serum with aloe vera from the L&You range by Biophytum is perfect for this. Thanks to aloe vera and hyaluronic acid, this treatment deeply hydrates the skin and illuminates the face.

#2 Royal jelly

Honey, beeswax, propolis and royal jelly are cosmetic active ingredients size to be included in our beauty routines . Each of his treasures from the hive have their own characteristics. Revitalizing, nourishing, moisturizing, regenerating… They all have their contribution to natural cosmetology . The skin tissue is invited to benefit from these many benefits. To restore health to our skin and revive its radiance, we can take advantage of these melliferous products . Brands such as Funny Bee Paris or Folies Royales produce wonderful natural and organic treatments based on these treasures from the hive.

#3 Vitamin C

Also good for his immune system only for its beauty , vitamin C is our best ally. Indeed, vitamin C is a powerful anti-oxidant . This gives it many properties, especially in the fight against free radicals . An interesting property for mature skin or more generally against skin aging . Our main vitamin C intake comes from food:fruits and vegetables... However, we can include it in our care for more impact. This active ingredient, in addition to firming the skin tissue, helps to illuminate the skin texture . However, given the power of this active ingredient, it is not recommended for sensitive skin.

#4 Fruit acids

Fruit acids are powerful active ingredients to revive skin radiance . These amino acids have many virtues and we find them particularly in tonic lotions, masks, exfoliation and peeling… Their enzymatic peeling action and their detoxifying properties make it an ally of choice to cleanse your skin and restore its radiance.

#5 Organic green tea

Last active but not least:it is best known for its detoxifying properties . This is obviously organic green tea . Let it be a cure to purify the body or insert into our beauty routines, organic green tea is a wonderfulcosmetic active ingredient. It also already contains Vitamin C , guaranteeing its power on the skin. To know everything about organic green tea, we invite you to read our article:detoxify with organic green tea. To take advantage of it in our beauty rituals, we recommend Beautanicae's organic super anti-oxidant serum. Thanks to its various active ingredients combining fruit oils and green tea, it purifies the skin and gives it shine.

You can take advantage of all these wonderful treatments by composing your personalized box and benefiting from a 30% discount with the code RITUAL .