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Perfect complexion:all about "niacinamide", the miracle active ingredient that is good for us

What a feeling of satisfaction when we manage to find the product that suits us perfectly. What a feeling of satisfaction when we can recommend our discovery. And if we start to know about active principles beauty, we still have some knowledge to acquire. CBD? We have it. Hyaluronic acid? We are stalled. In contrast, “niacinamide speaks to us much less. This active ingredient would be a gold mine for the beauty and health of our skin. But then, in what form to find it, how to apply it and what does it have more than all the other already popular active ingredients? The cosmetics website Typology , tells us more.

Niacinamide:u n miracle product?

Niacinamide is known as vitamin B3 or vitamin PP. “The history of niacinamide goes back to the end of the 19th century. In 1873, the scientist Austrian Hugo WEIDEL uses nicotine to extract niacinamide from it, while the American biochemist Conrad ELVEHIEM succeeded in 1937 in isolating it from the liver of an animal in 1937. If science has made it possible to confirm the presence of this vitamin B3 in our food, the organism has trouble synthesizing it » can we read on the site. Its main qualities are its antioxidant properties. , antibacterial and anti-inflammatory. But this vitamin is also present naturally in some of our daily foods:tea, coffee, legumes, meat or cereals.

Niacinamide:s actions according to skin types

According to natures of the skin, niacinamide will have different actions. On dry skin , it will have a barrier effect:“On atopic, sensitive and irritated skin , niacinamide will in particular reduce the feeling of discomfort and inflammation, especially in the form of a soothing tonic to be applied morning and evening immediately after the cleansing gel" . On mature skin who already have some fine lines and wrinkles, niacinamide will present itself as a treatment and prevent accelerated aging of the skin by acting on free radicals using its antioxidant properties. In addition, its moisturizing action will stimulate the production of collagen and thus promote the elasticity of the skin. Niacinamide also treats skin with imperfections thanks to its antibacterial properties that will tighten pores.

"Finally, don't forget that one of the great assets of niacinamide, which explains its common use in the field of cosmetics , remains to be extremely well tolerated through the skin. This is due to its chemical structure, which limits the risk of redness and allergic reactions. . It is used "in the form of a serum, a few drops are enough for the entire face before applying the moisturizer . Not particularly sensitive to light or oxidation, and non-photosensitizing, it can be applied day and night " , explains Nassim Hamek, product manager at Typology.