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Vitamin C:zoom on this ideal radiance active ingredient to regain a perfect complexion!

In cosmetic labs, researchers rack their brains to find ever more powerful active ingredients to meet our desires for perfect skin (without wrinkles, without spots, without imperfections, without redness, etc.). And yet, there are inimitable assets, which remain unequaled as they are effective. We think in particular of hyaluronic acid (super moisturizer), but also of collagen (anti-slackening) or salicylic acid (exfoliating). And among these essentials, there is also vitamin C. His job? It is an energizing and anti-fatigue active ingredient, found in many face care products.

Naturally antioxidant vitamin C!

Present in certain fruits and vegetables, vitamin C (which is also found under the names ascorbic acid or L-ascorbic acid) is naturally antioxidant, that is to say, it protects the skin from free radicals. and skin aging, while stimulating the production of collagen. It also helps to reduce the oxidation of skin melanin (=and therefore the appearance of pigment spots), and to bring radiance to the skin.

Vitamin C, a super anti-aging active ingredient

All skin types can use vitamin care, even if it is not always recommended for sensitive skin that can react to contact with it. If this is the case and you want to use it all the same, test the treatment every other day first (and in case of irritation, stop!) and opt for a special formula for sensitive skin.

In summary, vitamin C is a super anti-aging active, which acts on all fronts. You can decide to use it as a cure, or all year round, in a serum, a day cream, an eye contour (but then you choose an eye contour formula, not just any vitamin care C, because the area is sensitive and requires special formulas) or even a lotion, a mask, a primer... We offer you our selection of treatments, tested and approved!