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Perfect complexion:the food routine to adopt to regain baby skin

The skin is the mirror of the plate . No, that doesn't mean that you risk turning into a pepperoni pizza if you abuse it, but you can quickly end up with a very gray face. Deficiencies and excesses affect the quality of the complexion:we lack good fatty acids, trace elements and vitamins, and we consume too many “acidic” foods and too many sugars . So to guarantee you a radiant glow and a more golden skin while waiting for summer, here is a string of foods which will help you stimulate the production of melanin, the pigment that notably gives this sublime perfect complexion that we love to wear.

The impact of our diet on our complexion

Dermatologist Dendy Engelman gave some of his precious advice to the American magazine Who What Wear .“We are what we eat – the nutrients, vitamins, healthy fats and probiotics found in fermented foods can help our skin look better and feel better. A healthy, balanced diet and plenty of hydrating fluids go some way to improving the elasticity of the skin and helps protect it against UV damage." , she explains.

What to eat for a perfect complexion?

In this idea, we will therefore like all the fruits and vegetables rich in beta-carotene, the egg yolk for its vitamin B6 and its Omega 3 and 6 which hydrate the skin and seafood because they are rich in selenium , an antioxidant trace element playing a key role in several protective functions of the body, in particular in the fight against oxidative stress. As a reminder, if oxidation is an essential process for the proper functioning of cells, oxidative stress occurs when the body can no longer manage a large quantity of free radicals. They lead to the premature degeneration of cells, especially in the skin. So now head to the local supermarket to restore your skin's radiance, suppleness and firmness. For the shopping list, everything is in our slideshow. Above all, don't forget to stay hydrated. Cold water is also your best friend for beautiful skin because it eliminates toxins and deeply purifies the skin.