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DIY beauty:36 beauty products to do with what lies around the house! ("Efficient, green and cheap!")

Yes, you have material for making your own cosmetics; that by just digging into the pantry, the refrigerator, the medicine cabinet and even in your bar, all you have to do is help yourself and follow our precious advice, you will not regret it! Because it's a fact, to be beautiful you don't necessarily need to spend too much on beauty products . For good reason, certain foods, alcohols, medicines, objects truly allow you to take care of yourself on a daily basis. Highly dosed in active ingredients, certain fruits and vegetables, thanks to their richness in vitamins and minerals , applied as a mask will thus participate in the proper functioning of cells, maintain the skin and stimulate cell renewal.

These homemade beauty products that really work!

Making your own beauty is therefore a real return to basics that allows us to reconnect with the recipes of our grandmothers; the latter who did not hesitate to make an avocado mask or apply cucumber slices to hydrate and refresh their face and illuminate their complexion. And what about the apple lying around in your basket; antiseptic and endowed with fruit acids (like all fruits, by the way), it is reduced to a puree in the blender before spreading on the face for an invigorating mask. You can do the same with kiwi, red fruit or pear pulp, adding fresh cream if your skin is particularly dry. Are your hair dry? Beat two egg yolks with lime and a splash of cider vinegar, then apply to the lengths and leave on for fifteen minutes before shampooing.