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What is the #BaldandBadChallenge?

Every week, new challenges ignite social networks. And if many are not used for much (except to laugh a little), some are launched for the good cause, like the Ice Bucket Challenge or the youngest, the BaldandBadChallenge (the challenge for bald and badass in VF). The idea? Help women empower themselves, regardless of their appearance and, in this case, their haircut, by posting a selfie with a shaved head or very short hair, a smile on their face and a badass attitude.

Women who have overcome cancer participate en masse

The idea appealed and hundreds of women with shaved heads took to their social networks to bring their stone to the building. There had already been hashtags to help women accept their stretch marks or even their bulges, this one aims to prove to women that there is no ideal hair length. Many women who have overcome cancer have loved the initiative and participated in the challenge, but not only. Some wanted to show that they adopted this hairstyle by choice, for its aesthetics and beauty. The challenges launched for the good cause, it's still more fun, isn't it?