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Make-up removal:what are the habits of French women?

Several times a year, Birchbox, the "shop that unearths the best of beauty", launches boxes in partnership with beauty brands. For its latest limited edition, Birchbox has teamed up with Foreo, the brand specializing in facial cleansing brushes and silicone toothbrushes. The opportunity to carry out a survey on the make-up removal habits of French women. Birchbox interviewed more than 1,000, from 18 to 60 years old.

A widespread gesture

Good news already:90% of women remove their make-up every day. Because yes, if it may seem obvious, it is not a gesture anchored in the habits of all women and it is a shame, because not removing make-up contributes to skin aging. The preferred products are micellar water and cleansing milk (for 76% of women), followed by cleansing oil (17%) and wipes (7%). 47% of them cleanse their skin morning and evening (with a large majority opting for a cleansing gel) and 70% follow the cleansing with the application of a moisturizer. What about cleaning brushes? They are 17% to use one (at least twice a week for 80% of them), 10% using a manual brush or a konjac sponge and 7% preferring an electric brush (type Foreo, Clarisonic or Clinique) . The advantages according to them? For 35%, a refined skin texture, less shiny and more luminous skin for 23%, less reactive for 5% and all three at the same time for 17%.

The Peau de Pêche Birchbox x Foreo limited edition is available at a price of €29 for subscribers, €42 for others. It includes a cleansing gel from the Balance Me brand, Eau de Génie from the Indemne brand, the mini version of the Luna Play brush from Foreo, a vegetable peeling from Phytomer, 3 blackhead patches from Joliderm and a soothing moisturizing mask from 'Avene. Clearly... it is seriously worth it!