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Private sales, sales, promotions:what are the differences?

How to find your way between the sales periods , promotions which can be found at different times of the year, flash sales and private sales , which brands can host almost whenever they want? You have to admit, there is enough to lose your head. For consumers, it is above all an opportunity to do good business. But wouldn't it be interesting to know the advantages specific to each of these events in order to anticipate them and be able to make the most of them?

Understand everything about the major differences between private sales, sales and promotions.

Always more business transactions:benefits and consequences

Can we still really talk about sale periods when you know that there are occasional discounts throughout the year? In France, the sales take place twice a year and that is why we speak of summer sales and winter sales . They last between a month and a month and a half and have always been a highly anticipated event. However, what objective objectively is there still to wait patiently for half the year to be able to indulge yourself with sales? Whereas, well before, we will have the possibility of taking advantage of commercial operations through private sales in particular to benefit from equally advantageous reductions... Therein lies the whole paradox...

Online promotions:a shift in consumer habits

Online sales have grown significantly in recent years, to the point that if a brand does not have its own online store today, it becomes obsolete. Indeed, some brands only exist today on the web and have no real store open to the public. Significant sums of money are then saved and this makes it possible to offer promotions on a regular basis, during the year.

No one has ever complained about it and no one will ever complain about it, especially not the buyers, but it is true that it has gradually changed consumer habits which caused a change in their purchasing behavior. Some have therefore chosen to take sides by privileging sales while others, a little resistant to change, continue to save for months for their sales budget.

What to prefer between sales, private sales and promotions?

Whether for private sale, promotion or sales, the consumer is attracted by the idea of ​​being able to do business . In our heads, from the moment we pay less than the price displayed, we have the impression of saving money.

But be careful not to confuse everything…

The sales:a very supervised event

According to the National Consumer Institute, sales and promotions have basically nothing to do and must be practiced according to very specific rules.

Sales, legally, are sales accompanied and/or preceded by advertising. According to Article L. 310-3 of the Commercial Code, they are presented and announced as having been carried out with the aim of generating a discharge of stocks accelerated through reductions.

This therefore has a double effect, which is to inflate the figures of traders by pushing them to buy large volumes of items sold at a discount and to liquidate unsold merchandise.

So inevitably this is less glamorous than the principle of private sale which is attractive for its quality and which offers "real bargains".

The periods to respect for the sales are predefined for each calendar year. A date and time for the start and end of the sales are provided for by the decree of May 27, 2019. This amounts to a period of four weeks during which the reductions applied are usually divided into several markdowns.

The first corresponding to the lowest percentage of reduction and the last markdown corresponding to the largest reduction. Indeed, some brands start with discounts around -10% or -20%, to end up with -80% at the end of the periods.

Private sales and promotions all year round

Conversely, promotions can take place several times and at any time of the year, as long as they are of short duration and organized outside official and regulated sales periods. As for the private sales, they offer promotions very regularly, but beware the sales are the only ones to have the duty and the right to affix the mention "sales" on discounted products.

The sales thus correspond to a supervised event open to the entire population. However, private sales or promotions, as diverse as they are, are sometimes reserved for a part of the privileged clientele. Without being discriminatory, they require you to meet certain criteria to be able to access it, such as holding a loyalty card or subscribing to a newsletter .

In another style, some stores offer one-time deals from time to time. with the aim of making their products more accessible to a specific part of the population, such as students.

As their end goal is not the same, sales and promotions do not follow the same process.

What about restocking?

No restocking is allowed during summer or winter sales and the opposite would make no sense since the objective is precisely to sell off the stocks so that there is nothing left of the old collection. Sale items must have been on sale for at least one month before the start date of the event, which is why you will never find pieces from the new collection there. On the other hand, promotions allow sellers to restock.

Resale at a loss:in what context is it authorized?

Finally, sales allow resales at a loss in order to liquidate unsold items in order to leave with stocks at 0 for the next collection, according to the Commercial Code, article L. 442-5, II, 7° whereas this is prohibited in the case of other promotions.

Where private sales, promotions and biannual sales come together

As common points, it is mandatory that the price has previously been determined and displayed to consumers by the advertiser, who must also be able to justify it, in accordance with the decree of March 11, 2015, relating to price reduction announcements at the regard to the consumer.

In addition, they are subject to the application of the same rules relating to the legal guarantee of conformity , latent defects and the obligation of compliant delivery as well as those relating to unfair and misleading commercial practices.

Finally, it is clear that each commercial event has its benefits . It all depends on what you are looking for but you could very well find what you are looking for and take advantage of both sales and private sales.

It's all a question of approach... To save money, buy in quantity at bargain prices and for all people with a limited budget, choose the sales. For collectors, fashionistas and all those who aim for quality rather than quantity, prefer promotions and private sales . You will have access to pieces from the new collection with a small discount. Visit the luxury brands!