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The right reflexes to keep pretty hands in winter

1/ Schedule one massage per day

We must admit it:we are not necessarily assiduous when it comes to spreading hand cream. But we have a good excuse:when you think about it, we never find our tube of cream. We therefore get into the habit of keeping one in our handbag (there are small sizes…) and on our bedside table. However, if you never think about it, you force yourself to apply cream every night before sleeping, by performing a massage (plus it's nice!). Along the way, we also nourish the cuticles, which are also put to the test...

2/ Choosing the right formula

If in summer a light formula that smells good is more than enough, in winter, you need something stronger:we opt for rich formulas, based on glycerin, shea butter or vegetable oil. Once a week, you can do a gentle exfoliation, unless your hands are too irritated. It eliminates dead skin and allows better absorption of the cream. If you really have very dry areas, the repairing balm (like CicaPlast from La Roche-Posay) is a must.

3/ Protect hands

Regularly applying the right cream is not always enough, it is also necessary to stop weakening the skin. We don't always think about it, but washing too often weakens the skin barrier, just like the cold and the wind. Avoid hydroalcoholic gels, favor soap-free formulas and wash your hands with cold water. And we do not forget the gloves:if possible, we prefer them in leather and not too tight (this can lead to frostbite). When washing dishes, gloves are also important.

There you have it, enough to have beautiful hands in winter as in summer!