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We met Marine Lorphelin, a Miss 100% health and beauty

What is your beautiful skin routine?

For me, the routine starts with makeup removal. It's a really super important gesture, which I don't skip anymore. After cleansing my skin, I apply Aqua Magnifica by Sanoflore morning and evening, followed by a moisturizing serum and cream. At the moment, I'm quite a fan of Aura Mirabilis skincare from Roger &Gallet. In the evening, I sometimes prefer a night mask, which is more nourishing. I adapt skincare textures to the season:in winter, I like rich, well-enveloping textures, while in summer I prefer light skincare and I always pay attention to whether they contain sun protection.

What is your secret to having such beautiful hair?

There, I recognize that I take care of it! I avoid overstretching them, especially through curling or backcombing, and I systematize the treatment with each shampoo. Once a week, I leave a mask on. I always choose treatments designed for dry and brittle hair. Phyto's Phytokeratin line is great. For my hair to be shiny, I spray a veil of hairspray as a finish. On the color side, I like to play with reflections, while remaining very close to my natural color. Lately, I've been a fan of copper…

What are your makeup essentials?

I never go out without working on my eyes:eyebrows and mascara. The simple fact of drawing the eyebrows immediately gives intensity to the look. I really like the Browshape Color Gel from Atelier du Sourcil and the Diorshow Iconic mascara from Dior. On a daily basis, I hide redness and imperfections with a concealer that I apply locally, and I apply loose powder all over my face. If I want more sustained makeup, I apply a moisturizing lipstick, like the Novalip Duo from La Roche-Posay. During the day, I like dark reds, close to brown, but in the evening I prefer a real red.

Do you have a favorite perfume?

I have two! Euphoria by Calvin Klein, which I have worn since the age of 15 and a more recent crush, the Eau Parfumée au thé blanc by Bulgari, which is my must-have in the summer.

You are sensitive to organic. How does this translate into your daily life?

I'm not 100% organic yet, but it's true that I'm careful. I try to have a responsible approach, especially when I do my shopping:I favor organic fruits, vegetables and juices, but also fresh foods and if possible as local as possible. I also test organic cosmetics, it's more complicated for make-up where I find fewer products that suit me. On a daily basis, I systematically sort the packaging and I travel by bike when I can, especially in Lyon where it is super easy. In fact, I believe that if everyone makes a little effort, it has an impact.

How do you keep the line?

I'm lucky to have a rather fine morphology, but I'm like everyone else:if I chain excesses and I don't do sports, I take, especially on the thighs. My philosophy is to please myself, but to balance my diet over the day, for example having a soup or a salad in the evening if I overindulged at lunchtime. On the sport side, I try to go to the gym twice a week, to do muscle building, fitness or cardio. I call it "maintenance sport", as opposed to "pleasure sport", which I do whenever I can. I love sliding sports, summer and winter, and I like to run too.

Was doing medicine a little girl's dream?

It's true that I already thought about it when I was younger. My parents told me that I said I wanted to be a surgeon. It had passed to me, then it came back to my thinking, it's true that I like to take care of people, my family and my friends. I also wanted to do humanitarian work, so that makes sense. The experience of Miss France made me discover other worlds. Before I was passionate and careerist, now I especially want to take care of people, to get messages across and to do prevention. I think it's not bad to use my image to do this, and I do it, especially through my blog, L'effervessence.

Exactly, what prompted you to open this health/wellness blog?

I said to myself “How can I continue to interact with the public and share my experience? What could I bring to others? That's how the idea of ​​the blog came about, especially since it's a big trend, but there are few blogs that give health advice with a medical background. So, I thought to myself that I might have a place. People appreciate the fact that I share my experience and my anecdotes. I try to write an article a week, and I surround myself with medical or paramedical professionals who can help me write and bring their credit, as I am only in my 5th year of medicine. I draw my article ideas from my daily life, between what I see during the internship and what I learn. I would say that it's more time that I miss:I think I have a stock of ideas for 2 years!

What has being Miss France changed for you?

Many things ! (laughs) I showed up for two reasons:firstly, to honor a promise made to my grandmother, who adored this environment of sequins and princesses and told me since I was little "One day you will be Miss France", but also personally, it was after my first year of medicine during which I had worked a lot. I wanted to discover another universe, it was also a challenge because I was a bit of a tomboy at the time. I learned a lot of things during this year and I discovered an ultra-feminine side. It also opened me up to the world, I left Mâcon to come and live in Paris, and it made me grow and think about who I wanted to become.

What were the most rewarding moments of the Miss France adventure?

I was impressed when I met Bernadette Chirac, who is a very charismatic person. It was during the Yellow Pieces, an event rich in meaning and very human. My experience at Miss World has been amazing. I left alone, I had to speak English for a month and above all, there were 126 of us, so sharing our experiences as young 20-year-old women from all over the world was very enriching. There were girls who had super hard stories, like one who was afraid to go home because she was going to be forced into marriage, others who had grown up in poverty… And there I realized how lucky that I had to have been able to grow serenely, started studying and then participated in Miss France. The look of the other girls on Miss France and France is quite crazy:they all said to me "You don't realize, your country is magnificent, you are super well dressed".

What are your plans for the future?

I would like to continue developing the blog, because I still have a lot of things I want to say and do! And of course, I have to finish my studies. It's a big project and I still have several years ahead of me. When I am an intern (at the end of the 6th year, editor's note), I would like to reconcile my professional training with my blog, why not a radio column... All that remains is to find the time to do all that, this is my big problem! (laughs)