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What is inner beauty?

What is inner beauty?

Who hasn't heard someone talk about "inner beauty" ? You may have even been told "it's not the physical beauty that counts, but the inner beauty" ". But have you ever thought about the meaning of this phrase, what does it really mean? What is it for? Is it beneficial for us? That's what we're going to see today.

What is inner beauty?

Inner beauty is difficult to define because it is made up of many things. It is a set of qualities that make us good people towards others, but also towards ourselves. Here, we are not talking about physical beauty, but about the image that we send back by several criteria far from appearance:

  • Empathy
  • Generosity
  • Understanding
  • Confidence in oneself and in others,
  • Solidarity
  • Love of self and love for others
  • Benevolence

Physical appearance does little to reflect our values, the way we think, act or who we really are. This is a subject that concerns us all even if we find it completely ridiculous!

How to take care of your inner beauty?

It can be difficult to take care of for people who have low self-esteem and feel a lack of self-confidence. These elements can cause signs of self-defense and withdrawal, and self-confidence is very important for this.

To change, this time you will not have to go to others, but rather meet yourself. This is difficult, because we have always been taught to do the opposite, but it is an essential step.

Take care of yourself

To do this, listen to your physical and psychological needs. Take time to be in shape, rest when you are tired, play sports to relieve your stress, eat healthy and fit, buy clothes that you like...

The more you take care of yourself, the better you will feel, so it will be easier to take care of others and therefore share your inner beauty!

Do you want to regain your self-confidence?

Yes, it may seem difficult, but there are actually several effective methods that may help you regain your self-confidence. The most important thing is to take action!

What is inner beauty?
  • First, take some time and sit in a quiet, secluded place. Make a list of all the tasks you couldn't complete and write down the reasons why you didn't complete them.
  • Then do the same, but with the tasks you completed. Maybe with your current look you will find them difficult, but you accomplished them. Then you can do the same today! These actions taken should boost your confidence.
  • Finally, get into the habit of getting out of your comfort zone and discover the feeling of satisfaction that comes from this act! Once you do this a few times, it will become almost natural for you.

To regain self-confidence, inaction is a mistake although it is a natural tendency. Start slow and steady and you'll be well on your way to regaining your self-confidence.

Respond to your emotions

It is important to respond to your emotions because they allow us to move forward. For example, if you feel anger, take the time to channel it and meet with her to find out what she wants you to say.

Rejecting your emotions can only keep you feeling unwell. Contrary to what you may think, running away from anger, stress or sadness does not protect you!

Understanding their signals and their messages is a real exercise that will allow you to manage your negative emotions more easily.

All these actions will be beneficial for maintaining your inner beauty, but also for the image it sends back to those around you.