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WTF:sacroiliac dimple surgery, the new trend in cosmetic surgery

If the chest and buttocks have always been considered assets in women, another part of the body is stealing the show:the sacroiliac dimples. Behind this strange name hides these two small hollows located at the bottom of the back of some people. Nicknamed the "salt shakers of Venus", they are becoming so trendy that the plastic surgery operation consisting in recreating them is increasingly in demand.

“Look young and fit”

In London, the W1 Wellness Clinic has decided to ride this trend:Dr. Amanda Wong-Powell has developed a surgical treatment called “V-Spot”. The procedure, which lasts between one and two hours, consists of inserting a small cannula in the lower back and sucking out the fat located in this area, in order to reveal the sacroiliac dimples. These hollows "are usually found on the body of very sporty and athletic women, which is why many are those who wish to have this operation:they want to look young and in shape", explained doctor Amanda Wong-Powell at Daily Mail .

Obviously, this procedure has a cost:it will be necessary to spend between 5,800 and 7,500 euros to see sacrosanct “Venus salt shakers” take shape. Not sure that the game is worth the candle...