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Skin improvement:what is it and what is possible?

We've all thought about botox, an eyebrow lift or an eyelid correction, right? Getting older is very pleasant, but you want to see as little of that in the face as possible. There are therefore many options when it comes to improving your skin. In this blog you can read exactly what it all means!

Eyebrow Lift
If you find that your eyebrows hang too much, you can change this with a small intervention. The eyebrows are raised again and this procedure is often combined with an upper eyelid correction. Usually an eyebrow lift alone is not enough, because there is still too much skin left. But why do eyebrows actually droop? This is due to the constant action of gravity in combination with sagging skin. The position of the eyebrow can also be a predisposition that is reinforced later. The forehead muscle often compensates for this low position and raises the eyebrow slightly. This will cause wrinkles again, so that's a little less…

Eyelid correction
As you have just read, you can combine an eyebrow lift with an eyelid correction. Over time, the upper eyelids can droop slightly, which can cause unpleasant symptoms. Think of loss of sight, fatigue or pressure on the eyes. It doesn't matter how old you are, these complaints can always come. This makes eyelid correction the ideal solution! In addition, it also ensures that you get an open and friendly appearance.

Skin improvement:what is it and what is possible?

Wrinkle treatment
Wrinkles tell you that time does not stand still. These give character to your face and are part of your life. A wrinkle is actually a crack in the skin. The elasticity in the face weakens with time and this causes the skin to become thinner and wrinkles appear. Unfortunately, some people really suffer from too many wrinkles and the appearance can often come across as sullen and angry. You can disturb yourself by this and a wrinkle treatment is ideal for this. In this way you quickly ensure that the wrinkles and lines have disappeared in no time.

I think we see the most about botox in the media. Many famous stars have this and now this is not so exciting anymore. With botox, a muscle is injected that blocks the nerves. As a result, the muscles no longer receive a 'message' and therefore the skin folds a lot less. That is why the wrinkles soften/disappear. Botox is also very good for excessive sweating. You can wear all clothing again without sweat spots, ideal! Do you want to know what would be best for you? Please contact a botox clinic.

Skin improvement:what is it and what is possible?

Do your research
As you have read, there are many ways to improve your skin. So take a good look at what suits you and find as much information about it as possible. Make sure you have read all the information or call an expert about this. That way your questions will be answered immediately and you can schedule an appointment to come by for a consultation first.

So there are plenty of options! What appeals to you most?