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Dilated pores:9 super effective solutions to tighten them and regain perfect skin!

Do you want smooth skin? It is quite possible, and even very accessible, when you have the right solutions. Indeed, if dilated pores rot your life, you can simply limit them. The wrong daily gestures, such as poor cleansing or the use of a comedogenic product that does not allow the epidermis to breathe, can accelerate the appearance of dilated pores . In the same way, aging of the skin and external aggressions make life difficult for it.

Dilated pore and blackhead:what's the difference?

The dilated pore and the comedone should not be confused. Effectively, when the pore channels are open, impurities can get lodged in and clog them. Therefore, when the pore is completely blocked, it makes a blackhead.

Dilated pores:these habits to follow to avoid them

To say bye bye to dilated pores , some tips can help you! Therefore, add them to your skincare routine, your skin will thank you. Start by always cleansing your skin. Cleansing and moisturizing appear essential to obtain a beautiful smooth skin. In addition, exfoliate it to remove dead cells that can clog it. In addition, diet has a very important role, since sugar and processed foods raise insulin levels and cause overproduction of sebum . A diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids and a variety of fish and vegetables can help balance excess oil production. Finally, avoid hot showers, which tend to open your pores and trigger sebum production.

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