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Dark circles:12 natural and super effective tips to make them disappear!

We are like that humans; we would like to lose weight but this cake looks so good; we know we have to wake up early but "go one more episode, just one… "; etc etc… a sum of contradictions against which we fight and which end up tiring us; exhaustion that can be read later on our face.

Discover the best natural routines to get rid of dark circles and bags under the eyes

And that's when, with our raccoon (or panda) eyes, we tell ourselves how to fight against those cursed dark circles, puffiness or traces who have decided to take up residence before our eyes. Phenomenon that with age does not improve since the skin naturally loses collagen and becomes thinner, and more so around your eyes.

However, there are some very good tips to counter the inexorable effect of time, such as the simple one of reducing your salt intake and drinking more water. The skin around your eyes being particularly thin and vulnerable to dehydration when you eat a salty meal but don't drink enough water, your body will literally "look" dehydrated, i.e. red, puffy eyes. So if you plan on enjoying a salty meal, counter the effects with plenty of water. But rest assured there are other natural and almost miraculous tricks, we are obviously thinking here of the action of cooled tea bags placed directly on our dark circles but there are many other natural ways to fade them; discover them in our slideshow.

Dark circles:genetics involved!

So keep trying the following routines to see which one works best for you remembering that the best habits, however, cannot change your genes! Genetics is indeed the biggest determinant of the type of skin we will have and what we will look like as we age. So those of us who have inherited fair or thin skin will tend to see dark circles appear more easily; this for the simple reason that the network of vessels and capillaries present in this area of ​​the face is more visible through lighter skin.

Unfortunately, as more and more blood collects there, your delicate capillaries begin to stretch and strain under the weight, leading to more blood leaking and pooling, eventually giving rise to even more dark circles. dark.

Dark circles:what if you were allergic without knowing it?

Yet for others, dark circles and bags under the eyes are not caused by aging, sunbathing or genetics. Sometimes it's a simple matter of allergies. Year-round allergies, such as those to dust or mold, or the seasonal allergies that many of us experience in the spring trigger the release of histamines, which cause an inflammatory response. This means that our blood vessels become inflamed and swell, including those under our eyes.

Remember to be patient and consistent when trying out a new routine. Follow the routine every day for 4-6 weeks. If after this time you still don't see the desired results, switch back to concealer as follows.

Dark circles:here's how to hide them well with a concealer

With the right concealer, associated with nimble fingers to apply it, you will never be tired (of your eyes) again. Better:magnifying the look illuminates the whole face (and those around).

1/ Find the best ally

Compact or liquid, a concealer worthy of the name must have a supple and fine texture, to work without creating excess thickness (we are not going to add pockets, are we?). Choose it a half tone lighter than your skin tone (unlike foundation which is strictly skin tone).

2/ Prepare the canvas

Enhance the complexion on perfectly hydrated skin. Don't forget to put a specific treatment or your day cream around the eye area. If you use foundation and/or highlighter, always apply them before concealer (and yes!). Are your dark circles barely marked? Lucky. No need to show off, however, or skip it:apply the concealer to give a little flash to the face.

3/ Turn on the light

Do not smudge the product. Oh no!Placements are strategic:apply the concealer to the inner corner of the eye, down to the bridge of the nose, where the skin is darker, then work down into the hollow of the circle. Finish at the outer corner of the mirette following the path of the vein. Then, with the pulp of the index finger, tap the texture so that it blends into the skin. Do not put it under the eye, it is useless. Worse:the skin, particularly thin, marks. Powder face to set.

4/ Hide the (other) small flaws

Concealer is the camouflage champion. Directly on the skin or over the foundation, use it locally to reduce sun spots, rosacea, small pimples... Always blending the texture until there is no longer any demarcation.