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Stains on clothing:9 super effective grandmother's tips for removing them!

It's happened to everyone before. Wearing a garment, often the one you love and boom, accidentally staining it. These are small accidents that happen but they are very painful, especially when it comes to tough stains . So yes of course there are cleaners of all kinds, only here they are not all effective against greasy stains , wine or ink . To finally overcome it, grandmother's natural tricks are unstoppable.

Stained clothes:how to remove stubborn stains?

Before unfastening a garment , it is important beforehand to delicately remove, if there is, the excess material without spreading it and above all never to put hot water on a stain, at the risk of fixing it in the fabric. Then comes the cleaning step. Bring some natural household products like baking soda . Combined with lemon or white vinegar, it unclogs stubborn stains and thoroughly disinfects laundry. A great anti-stain ally and it's not the only one! The land of Sommières is ideal for removing grease stains from all types of fabrics, even the most delicate. The Marseille soap is as effective as milk . Yes yes, you read that right, on an ink stain it's miraculous!

Discover in our slideshow all grandmother's tricks to unfasten your clothes naturally and quickly.

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