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Sparkling eyes:tips for forgetting dark circles and puffiness

After a pleasant festive break, the return to school in January is fast approaching. If I could enjoy a few lazy mornings; my agenda for next week is already full. Thus to keep a sparkling look , by masking dark circles and puffiness; I have some beauty and cosmetic tips to recommend.

Sparkling eyes:tips for forgetting dark circles and puffiness

“I want a sparkling look this winter 2019”

The first rule to display a radiant complexion? Get enough sleep . A good night's sleep is almost the natural remedy for a luminous, fresh and rested complexion. Since sleeping better reduces the appearance of puffiness and dark circles; here is a 2019 resolution to adopt now. Sleep is the best beauty elixir we have. Indeed, during periods of rest, our body will eliminate toxins, regenerate and promote the overall production of skin cells.

Conversely, if the lack of sleep is repetitive, this causes a blood flow to the area around the eye... That means dark circles and puffiness when you wake up! We would be fine.

So to follow a cosmetic night ritual , the ideal is to apply a special mask around the eyes. Or simply a Nuxe anti-aging cream for example. These expert treatments with plant active ingredients allow your skin to rest overnight. When you wake up, you will be sparkling with beauty!

Tip:feel free to take naps when you are OFF or whenever the opportunity arises.

Tips:vegetables for a fresh look!

Iconic beauty tips, cucumber slices such as cooked potato slices knock out dark circles and puffiness in half an hour. Natural and economical tips that help to decongest tired eyes that lack radiance . Just leave these foods in the refrigerator; then apply them to the eyes. After about 30 minutes, presto, the look is transformed!

Dreadful weapon:concealer

Eye contour care is essential toan anti-aging and anti-fatigue beauty routine.
By treating puffiness and dark circles with daily application, it helps to preserve the “youth” of the look. Of course,cosmetic concealer is a first choice ally with a makeup concealer . Choose a pink or yellow color if you have a fair complexion. An orange or peach shade, if you have a tan to dark complexion.

The “freeze” effect

Cold is also a “flash” beauty remedy that helps to drain the eye contour. Good gestures:put a cotton ball on your eyes and add an ice cube on top; and leave for a few minutes, no more. Finally, perform a self-massage of the eye contour, from inside to outside; and long live a sparkling look!