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Puffiness, dark circles, wrinkles:top of the best masks and patches to quickly recover a radiant look!

Puffiness, dark circles, fine lines from dehydration or wrinkles... The eye contour area is very quickly marked by a sudden fatigue or stress. And for good reason, it is the most fragile area of ​​the face. Poor in collagen and sebum, the skin there is four times thinner than that of the rest of the body. In addition, our hydrolipidic film which usually protects us against aggression and signs of age , is more sensitized. However, many of us forget it and ignore the care to wear for our eyes, for lack of time or simply because we do not know what to apply as a product. Yes, but that was before, now the patches and eye masks are to our rescue to find a rested and luminous look !

Eye patches:targeted treatments to take care of your eyes

Eye Patches and Masks are everywhere. In fabrics or bio-cellulose, these treatments are pre-soaked in serums and hydrogel with various active ingredients. Indeed, there are different types of patch or mask according to each problem. Therefore, if your eyes are tired or that your eyelids are swollen bet on products with caffeine, cucumber, blueberry or green tea. Another tip, to moisturize your eye area , opt for compositions based on avocado, aloe vera, coconut oil or hyaluronic acid. This active ingredient is also very effective for an anti-aging action , just like patches with collagen. Finally, for an energizing and anti-stress effect nothing like a treatment concentrated in ginseng, orange, caffeine...

Once you have made your choice, simply place your patches on the lower eyelid, under the eye and leave them on for a few minutes. Child's play ! But be careful, just because the patches or masks are effective and practical doesn't mean you have to forget the basics of a good beauty routine:we continue to apply an eye contour care daily. strong> , morning and/or evening.

Check out our selection of the best eye patches in our slideshow.

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