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Brown spots:9 natural (but certainly effective) tips to soften them

Ahhh the dark spots. Also called pigment spots or age spots, they spare no one. Both men and women are affected by these little marks of life. As natural as they are, some of us are not totally comfortable with them. Between aging and UV sensitivity , our skin is not really spared. Beiges, brunettes, they can be unsightly and us. We then often tend to test 1001 cosmetics to try to get rid of them, in vain. We sometimes forget that the simplest solutions are the best. After the summer holidays, it is mainly at this time that we take stock of our skin and realize their appearances. So, to soften and reduce your dark spots, here are some effective and natural tips to soften them !

Brown spots:these allies to reduce them

Brown spots are often difficult to remove. It is also recommended to seek the advice of a dermatologist to find the right treatment for your needs. However, it is still possible to use natural and non-hazardous ingredients to try to reduce them. We will benefit from the lightening virtues of lemon and bicarbonate soda and acetic acid from cider vinegar which promotes skin renewal. Although we do not dream of spreading the onion on the face, it remains very effective in lightening the complexion at the level of spots thanks to its vitamin C content. Certain fruits such as pineapple or the apple , applied as a mask act on cell renewal. The parsley and carrot essential oil will also be your allies to reduce your brown spots. Finally, adopt alum powder and white clay to reduce your dark spots!