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Brown spots on the face:9 natural home remedies to reduce and prevent them

Pigmentation spots on the face or brown spots are the lot of many people. It is a very common skin problem, at all ages. One fine morning when we wake up and look in the mirror, we notice with horror that one or more small beige or dark brown spots have appeared above our mouth, on our forehead, our temples or right in the middle of our cheek. In general, they are due to skin aging but they can also be the reaction of a sensitivity or too much exposure to the sun . In any case, they are very unsightly and can become a real complex. But how can we quickly get rid of pigment spots without attacking our skin?

Natural remedies to remove dark spots

The brown spots are often difficult to remove. For those who have been there for a long time, it is best to consult a dermatologist. He will be able to find you an appropriate treatment. On the other hand, for the most recent of the grandmother's natural remedies exist and some can be very effective in reducing or preventing pigment spots . Among them, lemon, manuka honey or aloe vera gel . The latter helps to reduce the darkest spots. Even baking soda can be used, to exfoliate the skin and lighten spots it is ideal.

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