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Face-mapping:what do our pimples on the face mean?

The face is the mirror of the mind and body according to traditional Chinese medicine; so when buttons appear there, it is in itself that we must seek. So here it is thanks to Face-mapping , enough to make your passage in front of the mirror more…introspective.

Acne develops when skin pores become clogged with dead skin cells and sebum. Result:blackheads and whiteheads. Bacteria also play a role in inflammation, which leads to the red bumps, papules, pustules, nodules that characterize acne.

The reasons for your acne according to the area of ​​the face

Before you throw yourself on your anti-pimple cream and spread it on your face, know that some imperfections cannot simply be eliminated by local treatment. These products help by targeting breakouts on a topical level, but not all pimples are due to oily skin and clogged pores. Localized acne in certain areas of the face may indicate health issues or a particular lifestyle. Dubbed the face mapping , and although it has evolved since ancient times, this face-mapping divides the face into zones and indicates the potential organs or other causes triggering pimples in these places.

Zone 1:Buttons on the forehead

No doubt a diet that is too fatty, too sweet, too salty, in any case the roots of the problem are planted in your digestive system so you modify your diet by favoring fruits and vegetables and you drink more water.
Another cause:the bangs that sweep across your forehead can prevent pores from breathing. If pimples are present at the root of the hair, it is also necessary to see on the side of the care applied, they may be too greasy.

Zone 2:Pimples between the eyebrows

It's the liver! So there was certainly an excess on alcohol. What to do ? Lower your elbow, stretch out your arm, and put foods with purifying and detoxifying power, garlic, lemon, green tea, etc., in your shopping bag.

Another cause:food intolerance so we scrutinize his pantry in search of the culprit. Your glasses that rub too much on the area may also be the cause.

Zone 3:Pimples on the nose

Cholesterol! This burger, this pizza, these fries, it was good at the time but now these junk-food foods are stuffed with saturated fat and you now have a nose studded with little red pimples. What to do ? Go for green vegetables, olive oil, salmon, freshness what!
Another cause:a rise in stress, adrenaline which would have triggered the production of sebum, poor blood circulation can also be causing your pimples on this area.

Zone 4:Buttons on the cheeks

Lungs ! In Chinese medicine, the cheeks and cheekbones are the seat of the respiratory organs. That cigarette in your hand, look at it, and… crush it, good!
Another cause:dirty pillowcases, the cell phone (that germ nest), your makeup brushes ( wash once a week).

Zone 5:Pimples on the chin and jaws

These two areas are subject to hormonal vagaries and apart from affording a better diet, we cannot fight too much against it. If really, this part of your face is crippled with pimples, a hormonal assessment with the doctor is essential.

They can also come from the mask that we wear for many hours during the day and that cause irritation.

Zone 6:Pimples on the temples

Kidneys ! Buttons there indicate that it is necessary to fill up with water. Do not forget 1.5 liters daily.

Genetics, hormones, diet, lifestyle and environmental triggers also play a key role and this facial skin map is unfortunately not foolproof.

Also read:

Cystic acne:9 essential products to make these unsightly pimples disappear

Detox:these perfect foods to cleanse your liver naturally

#FreeThePimple:the hashtag to come to terms with your acne