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What areas of the face are sensitive to ageing?

Many of you take care of your face every day in order to provide it with everything it needs to retain its natural glow, while delaying the signs of aging... But do you really know which areas of your face are most prone to to aging? Find out which areas should hold your attention during your future skin care sessions!

Areas of the face that age with sun exposure

The face is one of the parts of the body most often exposed to the sun. It therefore undergoes the alterations due to the full force of the sun when it is little or badly protected. To delay the appearance of the first signs of aging, be sure to regularly apply appropriate sun protection, regardless of location and season.

Also note that the areas of the face most susceptible to aging after sun exposure are surely not the ones you think! It is quite easy to protect your nose, cheeks, forehead or chin with sunscreen.

The least protected areas quickly become the most exposed:

● Ears

● Back of the ears

● Neck

● Neckline...

These areas are also affected by skin care and you can, in addition to protecting them from the sun, moisturize them regularly with your favorite facial care.

You can also slow down the aging of these areas by covering them more regularly with lots of hats and high collars!

Dry areas more susceptible to aging

Besides sun exposure, skin aging can also be accelerated by dryness. Certain areas of your face are regularly prone to tightness? In this case, be generous on moisturizing creams and gels!

The most affected areas are, in most cases:

● the neck (a part often forgotten and not very hydrated, which dries out easily)

● The eye area (a very thin part that is drier than the rest of the face)

● The cheeks (less oily than the parts that make up the T zone).

To prevent the aging of these different sensitive areas, you can adopt a very simple routine before they are too damaged. Just follow these three steps:

  1. gentle, non-drying cleansing
  2. application of special face sun protection (SPF 50)
  3. use of moisturizing treatment(s) (mask, serum, gel, cream, etc.).

The different signs of facial aging

There are two main signs of facial aging:the appearance of wrinkles and sagging skin.

The first appears gradually, in areas and there are different types of wrinkles:

● Vertical wrinkles

● Side wrinkles

● Horizontal wrinkles.

Vertical wrinkles are often very marked. They include in particular the frown lines, the wrinkles of the nasolabial folds as well as the wrinkles which start from the labial commissures to the lower jaws.

Often the most noticeable, side wrinkles are located at eye level. They are better known as “crow’s feet”.

Horizontal wrinkles are visible on the forehead. These are the hollow lines that appear on the forehead, usually after the age of 30.

Another sign of aging, pigmentary signs can also appear on some faces. These are small aging spots that dot the skin following an intensification of melanin production.

The natural process behind facial aging

Although some areas of the face are more susceptible to aging… Skin aging is a completely natural mechanism that results from the simultaneous weakening of the epidermis, facial muscles, bones and fatty tissue. Over time, wrinkles appear and the skin loses elasticity.

With skin aging, several essential elements for maintaining the firmness of the face are reduced. Among them:hyaluronic acid, elastin and collagen.

Good news ! You can slow down this process by regularly applying facial treatments that contain it.

In cosmetics, these elements are also called anti-aging active ingredients!