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The face massage

Taking a few minutes a day to massage our skin can change everything. Radiance, youth and a new look, that's the whole promise of the facial self-massage . This technique is used in Asia and in particular by traditional Chinese medicine to obtain a lifting effect . These facial massages are not reserved for institutes, you can use them at home, with or without equipment!

The face massage

You said facial self-massage ?

For a daily facial massage at home, it will certainly be necessary to opt for a self-massage! We explain everything about the practice.

What is self-massage?

Self-massage of the face is to take a beauty break, like a ritual, for a few minutes, every day. It can be done with the hands or the pulp of the fingers, or with the help of precious accessories such as roll-ons of massage or Gua Sha in precious stones .

The idea? Take advantage of the softness of these, while benefiting from the soothing and energizing virtues of stones such as rose quartz, aventurine, crystal quartz or even amethyst.

The benefits of facial massage

Massaging your skin every day has multiple effects. First of all, it helps to tone the oval of the face, relax the muscles of the skin while releasing tension. Who says toning also says preventing the effects of time on our skin :massaging stimulates collagen, firms and fights against the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

Massaging the face also has a real beneficial effect on fatigue. These gentle gestures reactivate blood micro-circulation, eliminate puffiness, dark circles and visible signs of fatigue.

The gemstone roll-on tightens the pores of the skin thanks to its freshness, smoothes the skin and plumps it up immediately. The skin, day after day, is visibly brighter, refreshed and radiant. A trick is to keep your roll-on in the fridge for even more freshness and a boost of radiance when you wake up!

Finally, having a facial massage optimizes the effectiveness of your cosmetics. In fact, massaging yourself after applying your cream or serum allows the product to penetrate better.

Muscles:the base of the face

These are the muscles that make the shape of our face. Our facial muscles are very little used on a daily basis, taking the exercise of facial massage allows them to work and tone them. This will, in part, provide the lifting effect of a regular massage.

How to self-massage the face?

There are different facial massage techniques. We would like to offer you these exercises that have an anti-aging action:

What is Kobido?

Kobido is not a simple massage. It is a traditional Japanese art (as is considered origami, for example). It is a very complex practice that includes more than a thousand different techniques to provide massage. Unlike traditional facial massages, they are performed with a cream and not an oil.

Roll-on and Gua Sha

There are two main gemstone massage tools, the massage roll-on and the Gua Sha. Both have a very specific use depending on the effect you want to give and the problem to be treated.

The roll-on

The roll-on generally consists of a large and a smaller roller, to be used according to the areas of the face . There are several varieties to respond to different skin problems . Roll-On Jade, the pioneering and expert brand, gives us its advice for use.

"I advise you to use your Roll-on 1 to 2 times a day for 3 to 15 minutes depending on the time you have in front of you. For a decongestant, toning and refreshing effect, place your tool in the refrigerator a few minutes before use, this will multiply the effects of the massage and the freshness of the natural stone.For a relaxing effect, place your tools in hot water a few seconds before use in order to warm the stone, do not forget to dry it well at the end of the treatment. Having a hot stone will allow you to relax all your facial tensions. In order to enjoy maximum relaxation, I advise you to use two tools at the same time on your face. After each use, gently wipe the tool with a soft, clean towel, put your tool back in its case or pouch. »

The jade roller is not used alone:​​it is applied in combination with a beauty oil or a moisturizer to reinforce its action.

Gua Sha

The Gua Sha, which means “scratch the fever” in Chinese, is an ultra-gentle massage stone for massaging the face. Its shape consists of stimulating the points located along the meridians to revive micro blood circulation.

In addition to the virtues mentioned above, it fights against imperfections, acne, rosacea or even couperose. For an optimal massage, discover the advice of Holissence:

“Remove make-up then cleanse your skin and then apply a few drops of face oil.

  1. Slide the stone from the top of your neck to the bottom of your ears;
  2. Start from the middle of the chin and work your way up to the earlobes;
  3. Place your stone just above your lips then slide it to the lobes;
  4. Do the same movement from the nostrils to the middle of the ears;
  5. Gently massage under your eyes for dark circles and puffiness;
  6. Then go along the top of your eyebrows starting from the middle;
  7. Then massage your forehead starting from the top of the nose to the top of the skull and then sliding on the sides to your temples;
  8. Then glide the stone over the entire contour of your face from the neck to the top of the forehead;
  9. Repeat each step 3 or 5 times and perform this massage 2 to 3 times a week”

Precautions before use

We advise you not to massage with these accessories without first applying a serum or oil to your face. This treatment guarantees the "slip" effect on the face and avoids skin irritation. Choose your treatment according to your skin type.

How do I choose my facial massage stone?

We will choose our massage stone according to its energy and its beauty properties.

  • Rose quartz :stone of softness, healing and soothing. It is a stone recognized for millennia for its anti-aging properties. It helps to fight against aging and sagging skin by firming the skin, it also helps to fight against small wrinkles and fine lines
  • Aventurine :the anti-stress stone par excellence. It is the most recognized anti-blemish stone, it helps to fight against acne, acne micro-cysts, excessive sebum secretions and improves skin texture in general. It calms and soothes.
  • Crystal Quartz :stone of light and energy, it boosts, regenerates and fortifies. It oxygenates the cells and prevents sagging skin. Rock crystal strengthens the body in general and is considered an "energy channel"

Facial massage:a moment of relaxation

If it is "beauty" reasons that lead you to adopt this massage habit, take this moment above all as a moment of relaxation and pleasure that you take for yourself!

And you, are you more Roll-on or Gua Sha for your facial massage?