A few years ago, the Tui Na arrived in France. It is one of the five branches of Chinese medicine (along with acupuncture, dietetics, pharmacopoeia and Qi Gong and tai-chi type exercises) and it has been very successful in France:many dedicated centers have opened in Paris and in the provinces. We give you 3 good reasons to try this traditional massage.
The massage works on the meridians, it is the same points as in acupuncture that are stimulated. It also works on energy knots, tensions, imbalances and blockages. The massage uses the same movements (stretching, tapping, pinching, rubbing and rubbing) but adapts them to each person. The relief is felt at the end of the massage and especially the days that follow. Small clarification:the massage is pleasant but don't be surprised if the masseur has more intense movements at times, it never hurts but it can surprise you... And you can always ask to modify the intensity of the gestures during the massage according to your cravings.
Unlike a classic or relaxing massage, Tui Na has the ability to relieve anxiety and stress in general, but also headaches, back pain, fatigue or insomnia. It is considered an energetic and dynamic massage which aims to strengthen the body in the face of external aggressions and energy imbalances.
Indeed, this point is our favorite:you can get a massage for almost an hour for 60 or 70 €, a very correct price when you know that the massage is effective. Getting pampered at a reasonable price, we love it!
Different addresses exist, but our favorite (tested and approved) is La Maison du Tui Na, which offers 4 addresses in Paris, one in Lyon and one in Bordeaux. On site, different versions of the Tui Na massage are offered, from €50.