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The different benefits of massage

To take care of the body and its mind, there are alternatives to traditional medicine. Massages have many physical and mental benefits. After a sports session, to relax or reduce the sensitivity of a sore area, massage is very useful! Nuoo offers Weleda brand massage oils , organic cosmetics take care of all the epidermis and reinforce the feeling of relaxation during the massage.

The different benefits of massage

What are the benefits of massage?

Soothing pain

Massage is perfect for releasing muscle tension and reducing chronic pain, sports massage is of great benefit to sports enthusiasts and professionals. The techniques applied allow pain relief in the back, neck, head or feet, lumbar pain is relieved, muscles are relaxed, the body is toned. A belly massage can also promote good digestion and prevent the appearance of certain intestinal or heart diseases.

Reduce stress

The tensions that accumulate in the body are harmful to it and impact mental health. Nothing like a massage to release tension from the body, it stimulates the receptors present on the surface of the skin, acting on the nervous system to release endorphins, dopamine and serotonin. These happiness hormones trigger a feeling of well-being and you feel relaxed and soothed!

The good mood is at the rendezvous while dark thoughts and tensions are evacuated. When we know that stress is the trigger for eight out of ten pathologies today, we better understand the interest of massages. To fight against stress , we treat ourselves to a massage!

Boost the immune system

The massage acts on the proper functioning of our lymphatic system, it is, in part, thanks to the latter that our immune system works properly.

Indeed, massage therapy activates blood circulation and stimulates the circulation of lymph throughout our body. And the lymph, what is its role? It acts a bit like an agent in charge of purifying the body's waste, the lymph nodes are sorts of filters that allow the triggering of immune defense reactions, toxins are eliminated .

A good massage is a way to better prepare the body to protect itself against possible diseases and to improve its general state of health. The massage also acts on the mind and the nervous system, less stressed you will sleep better and strengthen your immune system.

How to massage?

A good massage cannot be improvised. It is possible to massage the whole body or to concentrate on a particular area depending on the desired goal, well-being, relaxation, easing tensions, etc. A massage can be given over one session or it can be spread over several sessions depending on the desired result. To massage well, preparation is necessary.

The environment is important, the person receiving the massage must be comfortable and must feel relaxed and confident. A tidy, clean room, with dimmed lighting, soft music, candles will be appreciated. The person performing the massage must have clean hands, clean nails and hands that are not too cold.

The massage is an exchange of energies, the masseur must therefore inspire confidence and be in ideal conditions of psychological well-being. In order not to interrupt a massage session and so that the massaged person benefits more from his session, it is important to provide any accessories, devices and massage oils at hand. For a massage full of benefits, the masseur must master a few massage techniques .

This art of touch requires skill with the hands as well as knowledge of the vital points of the body. Listening to the body of the person receiving the massage is important, each reaction detected allows you to act accordingly to adapt your gestures to the needs of the person's body. Effleurage, smoothing, friction, palpating and rolling are some of the massage techniques that can be practiced.

The different benefits of massage

What are the massage techniques?

There are many techniques for providing massage. A therapeutic massage is different from a relaxation massage or a wellness massage .

The intensity of the pressure, the part of the hand used to massage or the sense of touch can be different from one massage to another. The intensity of the pressure varies according to the condition of the person or the area to be massaged. A very simple method for massaging is simply to pass your hands over the area to be massaged, without pressing too much.

At each his own pace, the movements can be fast, slow or rather gentle. There are different movements, for some massages the movements are from bottom to top, from top to bottom, in other cases they are circular, sometimes it is better to follow the direction of the length of the body. Some massages require the use of both hands, sometimes we massage with the flat of the hand, in other cases, we mobilize more of the thumb. The palms and the edges of the hand are areas often used for massage.

The feel and roll is perhaps the most famous massage technique, a wave is created at the level of the skin, thanks to this movement, the fatty deposits are smoothed. Palpating and rolling can also be used for therapeutic purposes to relieve muscle pain .

Smoothing is a technique often used in the introduction or conclusion of massage. The palms, fingers and the edge of the hands come into contact with the skin, a slight pressure is exerted with the fingertips to intensify the pressure a little as the massage progresses.

Pressure is a massage technique that promotes muscle recovery , it is suitable for sports massages . The masseur detects knots with his fingers, he tones the muscles and promotes blood circulation . To take care of the body, the masseur can apply different techniques taking into account the sensitive areas, the person's figure and their needs.

Why use a massage oil?

For a more effective and pleasant massage, it is possible to combine the massage techniques with the application of a massage oil .

Weleda offers a diverse range of natural and organic oils that meet the requirements of various skin types. The skin is a reactive and sensitive organ, the massage oils contain vegetable oils and essential oils which give a feeling of comfort and relaxation to the massaged area.

The Weleda massage oils are concocted from plants that come from organic crops. In addition to enhancing the feeling of relaxation, massage oils nourish the skin, relieve pain, relax muscles, soothe tension , …

To perform a massage with massage oil, you pour only a few drops of oil into the palm of your hand, rub your palms against each other before massaging. Weleda has developed many massage oils to meet all needs:slimming oil, revitalizing massage oil, relaxing, regenerating oil, etc.

For a moment of relaxation or to soothe certain pains, there is nothing like a massage given with massage oils, the muscles are relaxed, the stress gone, the sore areas are soothed.

And you, what are your favorite massage oils?