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“Dew of the Queen”:the benefits of water on our body

“Dew of the Queen”:the benefits of water on our body
At the beginning of June, I went to Lacaune to discover the water source “Rosée of the Queen ".

I spent the day with the brand ambassadors:Angèle Ferreux-Maeght &Mélinda Noël de Bebym.
Vital for our well-being &our health, the water helps maintain our daily metabolism.

This visit to the Eaux de Mont Roucous company allowed me to see how water is collected and how it is safely packaged.
An enriching journey around the “Dew of the Queen”, a water close to women…

“Dew of the Queen”:the benefits of water on our body

Dew of the Queen:water &purity

“Dew of the Queen”:the benefits of water on our body
On site, I followed the technical teams within the bottling plant .

This is how the collection of the Dew of the Queen takes place:
The water is taken from an underground aquifer which allows it to be microbiologically healthy and protected from the risk of pollution .
Then comes the stage of manufacturing the 100% recyclable 1-litre bottle.
In the workshop, 3 blowers are specially dedicated to giving the bottle its final shape.
Then the filler and the corker take over.
They fill the bottles with precision.
During this phase, an overpressure is applied so that no external element comes to cross the secure zone.
Finally, the bottle is filled and labeled.
120 analyzes are carried out every day to provide quality water .
Finally, the Languedoc-Roussillon Regional Health Agency regularly checks the purity of the sources at the water collection points, as well as the conformity of the finished products.

To know:for more than 40 years, the Spring Water “Rosée de la Reine” springs at an altitude of 927M in the heart of the Haut-Languedoc Natural Park of 50 hectares.

“Dew of the Queen”:the benefits of water on our body
“Dew of the Queen”:the benefits of water on our body
“Dew of the Queen”:the benefits of water on our body
“Dew of the Queen”:the benefits of water on our body
“Dew of the Queen”:the benefits of water on our body

The body &water, a source of life

“Dew of the Queen”:the benefits of water on our body
The body is between 60 and 70% water and needs it to work well.

Water is part of the composition of tissues and organs:
– Allows the transport of nutrients, vitamins and minerals
– It promotes the elimination of waste
– Helps regulate body temperature
– It maintains the youthfulness and suppleness of the skin
– Prevents dehydration

In women, fluid needs are on average 1.6 L/day
In adolescents 1.5 to 2 L/day
In pregnant women 2 L/day
In a breastfeeding woman 2.3 L/day
In women aged 50 and over at least 1.5 L/day

“Dew of the Queen”:the benefits of water on our body
Recently, Queen Dew unveils a new 1L format and a new visual identity .
Trendy graphics like today's active women concerned about their overall beauty.
In addition, the brand has developed a digital platform “Our Women's Secrets” where you can find many dietary tips every day.

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