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A winter in great shape – Dietary advice from Dr Aude Senez

Spending a winter without being tired and sick requires preparation. Why?
In winter, our body needs all its energy to defend itself until spring arrives.
Here are some tips to keep in shape this season!

My body in winter – 3 tips to adopt
1 – Support bowel function

The intestinal flora is affected by antibiotics, dietary imbalance, aging, stress and certain diseases.
Any disruption of this leads to an increased susceptibility to infections .
The objective of this first action is to promote the bacteria that are beneficial to us, since :
– They take part in the renewal of the cells of the intestinal wall and their cohesion .
They neutralize toxins produced by pathogenic germs and prevent the development of microbes.
Foods to favor:unpasteurized rice miso and kefir.

To stimulate these good bacteria, they can also be fed with prebiotics rich in oligofructose and inulin .
Foods to favor:chicory root, artichoke, asparagus, garlic, onion, banana, apple, oats, seaweed.

It is also desirable toconsume ingredients rich in L-Glutamine, an amino acid that contributes to the proper functioning of the intestine.
Favourites:fish, dairy products, legumes and meat.

To improve the permeability of the intestine, it is also recommended to moderate your intake of cereals containing a lot of gluten (avoid refined wheat).

A winter in great shape – Dietary advice from Dr Aude Senez

2 – Fight against chronic inflammation

In winter, it is necessary to fight inflammation of the intestines focusing on fruits, vegetables + oily fish rich in omega 3.
Favor flax seeds and rapeseed oil .
Consumption of dark chocolate , green tea , spinach , broccoli , beet , Kale is also recommended (anti-oxidant foods).
Spices are ideal against inflammation.
Turmeric is the great leader for its anti-inflammatory properties, without forgetting black pepper and ginger .

3 – Strengthen the immune defense system

Vitamins A, B, C, D, E, zinc and selenium make up this essential pool.
Here is the checklist:

Dairy products, veal liver, carrot – Vitamin A
Brewer's yeast, dried and green vegetables, nuts, calf's liver, dairy products – Vitamin B
Lemon, cabbage, red pepper, chives, parsley, kiwi, strawberries, lychee –Vitamin C
Dairy products, fatty fish (salmon, sardines) – Vitamin D
Cabbage, spinach, vegetable oils (rapeseed), sauerkraut, watercress, broccoli, cucumber, lettuce – Vitamin E
Meat (beef, veal liver), seafood, (oysters) pulses, dairy products, eggs – Zinc
Whole grains, brewer's yeast, offal, seafood, Amazonian nuts – Selenium
*(non-exhaustive list)

Despite this improved diet, it is sometimes necessary to use nutritional supplements.
This type of supplementation must be done after a biological assessment prescribed by your doctor.

To know

When we are exposed to winter germs, our immune defense system kicks in.
The release of inflammation-mediating proteins will increase blood flow to the site of injury.
The objective of this blood flow is to force all the immune cells of our defense army to control the infectious episode.
The affected tissues become red, hot, painful and swollen:this is acute inflammation.
This inflammatory reaction is responsible for the symptoms of winter ailments – runny nose, sore throat, sneezing among others.

Article written by Dr. Aude Senez, specialist in Nutritional and Functional Medicine in collaboration for

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