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“Stomach ache:if I were hypersensitive to gluten?” by Dr. Aude Senez

“Stomach ache:if I were hypersensitive to gluten?” by Dr. Aude Senez
A stomach ache that becomes chronic…
Is the gluten-free diet Is it a fad or a real public health issue?
To answer this, we must first understand what gluten is.

“Stomach ache:if I were hypersensitive to gluten?” by Dr. Aude Senez

Stomach ache:am I hypersensitive?

Gluten is used in cereal-based products and in certain products from the food industry.
It is present in wheat, spelt , the kamut , oats , barley and rye .
Gluten intolerance can cause a wide variety of digestive or extra-digestive symptoms which can lead to the development of chronic inflammatory diseases .

Celiac disease VS reversible hypersensitivity

Celiac disease , characterized by a total and intolerance irreversible gluten, key 1 to 3% of the population of Western Europe.

The consumption of gluten causes in these individuals an alteration of the intestinal wall (hyperpermeability (1)*) which in turn triggers inflammation.

Symptoms are digestive (chronic diarrhea, abdominal pain, gas, bloating)…
Or general (fatigue, irritability, joint or bone pain, skin rashes).

Diagnosis &solutions

It is necessary to carry out a blood test to look for specific antibodies (2).
An examination supplemented by a colonoscopy.
The recommended treatment is the definitive cessation of gluten consumption (this also includes so-called gluten-trace products).

Nevertheless, a new intestinal syndrome has been identified for some years.
It is triggered by the consumption of gluten in patients for whom celiac disease and wheat allergy have however been excluded.

Not allergic, but I still have pain…

Non-celiac hypersensitivity to gluten, would affect approximately 10% of French people more than 6.6 million people.
The pain appears in a few hours even a few days after gluten consumption.
The factors implicated in the appearance of such a syndrome would be:
– A diet too rich in gluten
– Regular consumption of alcohol
– Presence of digestive infections
– Stress or frequent use of antibiotics

“Stomach ache:if I were hypersensitive to gluten?” by Dr. Aude Senez
It is recommended to do a biological assessment blood to look for specific antibodies (3) and thus confirm the suspected diagnosis.
In view of the results, your practitioner will determine the duration of the discontinuation of gluten according to the intensity of the disorders .
Symptoms are quickly reversible when gluten is stopped, but antibodies take several years to disappear .
You should control your diet during this period.

Note that gluten avoidance guided by a "fad effect" is useless in non-intolerant people
This can cause nutritional deficiencies!

Gluten, victim of its media coverage, is not responsible for all intestinal ailments.
Lactose, eggs or even oilseeds are often implicated in functional digestive disorders.
medical follow-up imposes itself.

“Stomach ache:if I were hypersensitive to gluten?” by Dr. Aude Senez

In order to preserve your health capital, it is recommended to consume all cereals.
Bet on buckwheat or rice which are gluten-free cereals.
And as in life, you have to know how to have fun, do not banish the baguette if you do not suffer from stomach pain .

(1) Malabsorption of essential nutrients and absorption of unwanted molecules
(2) Immunoglobulin type A transglutaminase and endomesium
(3) Anti-gliadin G-type immunoglobulins

Article written by Dr. Aude Senez, specialist in Nutritional and Functional Medicine in collaboration for

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