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Advice:7 detox tips to adopt when you return from vacation

Advice:7 detox tips to adopt when you return from vacation
Summer vacation is coming to an end.
As of Monday, it's is the recovery and if the beautiful season is synonymous with pleasure, it is also the time of the year when you gain a few pounds.
So to stay in top shape at the start of the school year, a little detox cure is the solution ideal for recovering.

My advice? Adopt 7 well-being tips to find the line in no time!

Advice:7 detox tips to adopt when you return from vacation

1 – Drink plenty of water

Water is your greatest ally in the elimination of toxins and in the fight against fluid retention caused by food.
When you return from vacation, do not hesitate to drink more water than your habit (2L)… Especially since your body asks you for it after being exposed to the sun for weeks.
Bet on detox waters that contain lemon juice and mint or similar combinations.
It's perfect to help your body eliminate fluids and relieve the discomfort left by those weeks of vacation.

2 – Practice a sports activity

Sports is not a “punishment” but rather a way to feel better after a time out.
You will find that light exercise like yoga and a bit of cardio will help you get in better shape.

3 – Organize your food menus

Plan and prepare all your meals during the week at home and avoid eating out.
This is a way to make sure you have the right amount of fiber, vitamins and minerals at every meal.
Also, it will make you feel like you are taking better care of yourself. of you and your body.

4 – Consuming raw food

It is best to eat raw vegetables at every meal.
Prepare a detox juice to drink for breakfast and before main meals.
Raw Food is an excellent source of fibre, vitamins and minerals.
It is a real ally in your detox cure !

5 – A piece of advice:rest

It is necessary to rest when you return from vacation.
Most of the time, vacations are often busy days for leisure.
So when you return to work, you need some more hours of sleep.
My advice:take naps when your schedule allows. Your body will thank you.

Advice:7 detox tips to adopt when you return from vacation

6 – A day off

Leave a free day between the end of your trip and the return to work.
It may be tempting to come home at the last moment before returning to work to make the most of your time.
But know that your body needs that extra day to recover and return to its normal rhythm.

7 – Zero stress

Finally, don't worry too much about going back to work thinking about your appointments and meetings.
Do not try to control your pace for the first few days and do everything at once, because you will immediately feel tired.
My advice:give yourself time, relax and release gradually pressure…