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Beauty advice:"I want beautiful legs in winter!" »

Beauty advice: I want beautiful legs in winter!  » The secret to having dream legs this winter? We maintain our legs to stay sexy and it's easier than it seems. Ready for the challenge?

Beauty advice: I want beautiful legs in winter!  » 1Limit sweet foods after 5 p.m.! It is from this precise moment that the metabolism slows down. So don't load it with sugars, it will store it. Choose protein foods such as seeds (almonds, hazelnuts, etc.), yogurts, fiber-rich apples, etc.
Beauty advice: I want beautiful legs in winter!  » 2Start a water activity . Try aquabiking, flippers, aquagym …once a week in addition to your daily 30 minutes of sport. You'll feel like you're still on vacation!
Beauty advice: I want beautiful legs in winter!  » 3Extend your tan as long as possible . Choose a moisturizing oil to put on damp skin after showering. This is an opportunity to massage yourself to activate your blood circulation and keep your skin beautiful.
Beauty advice: I want beautiful legs in winter!  » 4Make flexibility! Flexible muscles are long muscles. Every morning, wake up your body with the reverse dog pose (Hatha Yoga!).
Get on all fours, then straighten your legs and push back into your arms. Tuck your head in towards your knees and hold for 7 breaths through your nose. Then bring back step by step, your feet between your hands and unroll your spine to come back upright. 2 to 3 repetitions will be perfect. This lengthens the muscles of the back of the thighs, and your tendons and accelerates blood circulation.