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Beauty advice:4 tips for having gazelle legs!

Beauty advice:4 tips for having gazelle legs! The sunny days are coming and it's time to get outside!

  1. Move for 30 minutes a day. Prioritize outdoor activities, such as brisk walking, planting your heel firmly in the ground and pushing back as much as possible on the same heel to force the muscles of the back of the thighs and glutes to mobilize. But rollerblading is also perfect for sculpting your legs and buttocks! Try one or two walks a week.
  2. Don't skip meals. Eat foods with a low glycemic index so as not to gain weight and shed a few pounds. Having beautiful legs also requires a good diet. Eliminate white bread in favor of wholemeal bread, cereals or rye, but also refined sugars which promote cellulite and weight gain.
  3. Get used before the summer to finish your hot showers by showering your feet, your calves, even up to half of your thighs with cold water . You will have gazelle legs, fine and toned. Even if it is not very pleasant at first, your circulation will thank you this summer!
  4. Perform an exercise to tone the legs :I name the "iron leg »! Under its barbaric name, it is a forward lunge. Start standing, hands on your hips. Take a big step forward with the right leg and push back well on the toes of the left leg. Inhale and flex both legs, as if you wanted to kneel with the left knee. Switch legs on the next step. You must perform this exercise in a corridor long enough. Your back straight , looking ahead. Always blow when ascending. 3 round trips per day.