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The essential steps to refine facial features

If at Belle au Naturel, we love organic cosmetics and healthy products so much, it's because we can enjoy their benefits without harming our skin and use them for our daily problems. So we thought why not write about our little facial complexes, even if we have to admit it, our view of ourselves is not really impartial. We always find defects to correct:a nose that is a little too thick, a round face or a double chin...

Logic would dictate that we advocate self-acceptance, but that does not prevent us from cheating a little to highlight what nature has given us. No matter what we are trying to hide, there is always a way to improve things to turn them to our advantage and we explain how to do it in this article.

How to slim your face?

There are several solutions to use immediately or over time to make your face thinner:

  • The contouring :thanks to this method, it is possible to completely redraw the contours of your face. It is in fact neither more nor less than playing on the creation of shadows to dig the parts you want to erase and lights to give volume to those which do not have enough. For example, apply a bronzer on the oval of the face to make it less round, on the wings of the nose to make it thinner, on either side of the chin to hide the double chin or even under the cheekbones to hollow out your cheeks. .

  • The hairstyle :not to be neglected, because it alone can transform your face and soften its features. For a round face, that is to say almost as long as it is wide, it is better to bet on hairstyles in height. A worked bun for example which will give the illusion of a more oval contour and especially not add volume on the sides. What will also look great are the gradients.

  • The facial massage :a little restrictive, but very effective over time, it activates blood circulation and improves the appearance of the edges or areas of the face. For this, you will need to bring your ORGANIC argan oil and massage in such a way as to always stretch from the inside to the outside of the face. For the cheeks, for example, place your fingers under the cheekbones and stretch them to the temples.
