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Sunburn on the face:9 tips to soothe it quickly and effectively

If the sun has not been there everywhere in France in recent days, some lucky girls have already taken the road to vacation and are enjoying the season as it should. Summer is definitely the time we prefer, for normally, these beautiful days, but also the beautiful tanned complexion that he offers us after a sunbathing day at the beach. Obviously, as nothing ever really goes as we wish, it is possible that UV rays invite themselves in excess on our face. Result, burns, redness and itching. Fortunately, to effectively soothe and relieve sunburn on the face , there are some little tricks that will change our life in summer.

Sunburn on the face:tips to soothe it

Ladies, you won't believe us, but the best products to soothe your sunburn on the face are in your kitchen. Yes, yes, when you prepare a good salad of raw vegetables for your summer lunch, certain foods have soothing and healing properties, that will relieve our summer redness. One thinks in particular of the tomato , which by rubbing thin slices on our sunburn, promotes the reconstruction of the skin and relieves burns. Thanks to its richness in water, the cucumber is also a major ally against our sunburn. It hydrates and refreshes our skin. The cider vinegar used for our dressing, also has soothing properties and calms redness and inflammation. Also rich in water, the potato proves to be effective in relieving burns and cooling our skin. Finally, for what is in our kitchen, we will finish with olive oil , which acts as an effective lip balm to regenerate them after a sunburn.

How to soothe a sunburn on the face?

To soothe our sunburn on the face, we can not miss the effectiveness of aloe vera . Thanks to its anti-inflammatory and healing properties, aloe vera can bring comfort to our burned face. We will also rely on clay powder, which applied as a poultice, helps to soothe and rebuild our epidermis. Baking Soda also invites itself in our war against our sunburn, thanks to its soothing virtues which will save our lives this summer. Finally, the cold is a safe bet to make the burning sensations disappear. In a towel slide some ice cubes on your sunburn for a guaranteed freshness effect!

Clearly, although it is important to always protect yourself, this year UV will not win the war face sunburn with these tips!