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Redness on the face:9 tips to make it disappear easily

Ah redness . They bother us. Many. And besides, most of the time, it's because of them that we can't manage to do without our foundation prefer. Even on summer evenings . However, we would like to be able to leave our homes on the mornings when we are in a hurry and want to wear natural skin and fresh. But that was without counting on our uneven complexion caused by these small skin vessels that have decided to pull out all the stops. And take their place in the middle of our face.

Say goodbye to redness!

There are several explanations for these redness that we find unsightly (yes, because ultimately, they only bother you, since you are fixated on them). The effect of heat or on the contrary of the cold, temperature variations , alcohol, your emotions or even spicy products. Heredity can also be a track to follow. To reduce this redness and hide it , there are very effective and simple tricks. It is above all a habit to adopt on a daily basis. You will see, your skin will thank you.