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The best summer tips

The best summer tips

A while ago we called on you to send in your best summer tip. These are your best summer tips.

Brenda (34): 'In the summer I often use talcum powder. It works well against a shiny face and if you put a little talcum powder on your feet, you will have less problems with sticky/sweaty feet.'

Sarita (41): 'A bowl of low-fat yogurt in the afternoons. It takes away the 'tasting appetite' and it makes you feel full.'

Anonymous (64): 'My tip is this:rub your body with coconut oil every day. This oil is perfect for the summer, cooling and caring for your skin. At least as important as looking sleek.'

Marisa (30): 'Combine polefit and Thai boxing lessons and you will be ready for summer after a few weeks. Your legs will only be a few bruises richer in the beginning, but I'm willing to pay this. Good luck!'

Dyta (52): 'Every evening after dinner, walk 5 kilometers at a brisk pace, you'll be back within an hour.'

Marjan (52): 'Swimming when the water is high and then cycling with the wind in your hair after it dries!'

Hanneke (36): 'Don't compare yourself to others!'

Suzan (35): 'Take walks on the beach. It's good to walk through the sand and it makes your feet softer, because the sand acts like a scrub.'

Haven't you shared your summer tip yet? Leave it in the comments.