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Blackheads:9 natural solutions to make them disappear!

Blackheads, we hate that! These comedones, which appear when the pores are clogged ruin our lives. Unlike acne pimples, which are often of hormonal origin, blackheads are actually fatty deposits, accumulated in the pores of the skin. They take on this color when they come into contact with bacteria and air. From then on, on the tip of our nose, these little black dots come to annoy us. If you are used to extracting them with your fingernails, forget it! This common mistake risks aggravating the situation, favoring infections and you risk having unsightly scars. To extract blackheads without damaging your skin , it is preferable to implementnatural solutions .

Blackheads:these natural solutions to remove them!

First of all, forget the stripper cosmetics. Indeed, these products attack the skin and promote the appearance of blackheads. Opt for gentle, non-comedogenic products. To clean your skin , prefer oils or cleansing milk without soap or surfactants and replace alcoholic tonic lotions with lavender or rosemary hydrosols. Your skin will thank you. Then, to say goodbye to blackheads, there are natural solutions based on egg white, lemon, white clay or even orange. It's up to you!

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