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Hair removal:15 infallible tips to remove hair without pain

Is it the confinement effect or being fed up with molding ourselves to what society would like, which makes us constantly postpone the day of our hair removal ? Unless it's the fear of suffering martyrdom by removing our wax strip with a bang… Fortunately for the hairy ones in the band looking for hairless armpits, we have some infallible techniques for painless hair removal; or almost!

Note that the hairs present on our body do not grow for nothing and exist for a reason:to protect against temperature changes and external aggressions. But let's admit that slipping under our sheets with soft legs is such a pleasure that one agrees to hurt oneself; as little as possible of course.

Hair removal:a bad time to pass

Unfortunately, there is no method of hair removal totally painless but thanks to a few tricks, the moment of extracting your hair will be less difficult to bear. Note that the pain thresholds are different for everyone.
We don't promise you a pleasant moment either. Remove the hairs your skin and tear the bulbs from their habitat will never compete with a brunch with friends or a few hours of sunbathing.

Solutions to test to have less pain

Talc, ice cube and sweet almond oil will be your allies to have a better time, as well as choosing the right time of the month and day but also doing the right gestures !
For those for whom hair removal remains a waking nightmare, the Anti-Regrowth Serum by Acorelle is an essential ultra effective to delay the deadline yet fatal. Slower growth, finer and fewer hairs, it's all good.

And if nothing really works, turn to your good old razor; he will be delighted to see you again.

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