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Tired eyes:18 super effective concealers to regain a fresh and luminous look!

Whether you wear a disposable mask or an ultra-stylish fabric mask, you do not escape dark circles more than usual and it is normal the period is oh so trying. Our eyes are leaden and it is therefore essential to put on good makeup to look fit and awake when it's time to go out shopping, with our duly completed certificate in your pocket.
Stress, poor sleep, hours spent in front of screens and the lack of outdoor outings don't help and an anti -covering dark circles is the must-have to refresh your eyes.

How to choose the right concealer for a more radiant look

Whether your dark circles are not very marked or on the contrary, very accentuated, the choice of your concealer will be different and the number of coats to apply will also be different.
In addition to its nature, the color of the ring is also to be taken into account to adapt your choice and not end up with the opposite of the desired effect.
A concealer with pink tones will therefore be suitable for a bluish circle and a concealer with yellow tones will be perfect for a ring that pulls on the violet . It's the magic of colors that cancel each other out!
Don't forget to choose a shade lighter than your skin tone (unlike foundation, which you have to choose from the color of your skin) to illuminate the highlighted area.

Powder your concealer with an ultra-fine material and you're ready!

Choose your favorite from our selection of liquid concealers , in pot and clean composition for an awakened look.

Also read:

Fatigue:6 natural concealer tips

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