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Facial yoga:8 simple and effective exercises to look very good (VIDEO)

Building on its success facial yoga , developed in the 80s, is attracting more and more women all over the world and for good reason! His natural and holistic approach helps reconnect the face to the rest of the body. So it's a real facial gymnastics which is achieved through small facial exercises. Objective ? Work the 52 muscles of the face by boosting blood circulation and collagen production .

For that, you don't need to be a yoga addict or to be particularly flexible, facial yoga is accessible everyone, effective , fast and free ! With him, you don't need any materials or creams, just use your fingers on your face, alone in front of your mirror, for 5 to 10 minutes.

Results? A toned face , firmed and rejuvenated because yes facial yoga helps to slow down the aging of the skin. Goodbye fine lines and wrinkles and hello healthy glow!

Face yoga:the best exercises to firm the skin of your face

There are several facial exercises unique to facial yoga. Each targets a specific area:the forehead , the eyes , the cheekbones or the neck aka the double chin… so you're bound to find what you're looking for.

Among the most famous there is one perfect for building up the entire face; it consists of reciting the letters of the alphabet and the vowels. Nothing could be simpler, you stand up, straight and relaxed, and you pronounce the letters of the alphabet out loud, exaggerating the movements of the face. Then recite only the vowels A, E, I, O and U to work more on the facial muscles in depth.

Finally, you will have understood it with facial yoga the key word is relaxation . For the exercises to be effective, you must first release the pressure and breathe deeply. After all it's your time!

Discover in pictures 8 simple and effective exercises to do at home in our video.

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