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Soft and brittle nails:our 9 solutions to restore their vitality!

You love taking care of your nails and because of this, you like them to be always perfect . Nice length, nice color and in good health . Problem ? Sometimes taking care of your nails means damaging them. Not logical, we know. But there is a good chance that for you to have landed on this article after having chained the manicures and poses of varnish in institute. Results of the races, once the varnish is removed, your nails hurt, they break after two hours and they bend so much they have become soft. And then you said to yourself:"semi-permanent nail polish is over" , for the umpteenth time this year.

Solutions for beautiful and strong nails!

But, manicures s are not the only causes of your nail pain . Daily gestures weaken them, such as the dishes, the household products that we use, the things that we will come to scrape with our fingernails, lack of sleep or a poor diet . So many elements that weaken the keratin plates that make up the nail. But don't panic, you will normally be able to find fortified nails if you follow our advice (which we try to follow ourselves, here at the editorial office). Between natural solutions, food supplements and serums, there is something to help them.