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Hygiene:9 beauty mistakes that we all make and that are dangerous for our skin and our health!

Every day, in our bathroom, we have all our little habits . We are in autopilot mode. It is then believed that these beauty gestures are healthy and do us good, but nay. In reality, they attack our skin more than anything else and can, in some cases, be the cause of itching or infections. In addition, many objects are genuine breeding grounds for bacteria and yet we use them time and time again in our beauty routine .

Hygiene:gestures to banish for the good of our skin and our health

In order not to harm our well-being and our health, it is necessary to get rid of some bad habits . Start by doing the cleaning in your bathroom. If your towels are in the open air, they are harmful to your health. The same goes for yourshower curtain , it is important to open it wide so that it can dry, otherwise bacteria and mold will quickly populate it.

Then, correct some gestures likeyour technique for brushing your teeth . If you tend to rinse your mouth directly after brushing, you are wrong! By doing this, you do not give the active ingredients of the toothpaste, such as fluoride, time to act properly. Over time, it can even cause dental problems. Finally, clean your hairbrush every time you use and remember to not lend your make-up products , especially the eyeliner . This will prevent bacteria and the risk of acute conjunctivitis.

Find out more about these bad beauty habits in our slideshow.

Also read:

Intimate hygiene:9 (very) bad habits to give up forever!

Hygiene/expiration date:12 beauty products that it’s (maybe) high time to throw away!

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