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Dilated pores:our grandmother's recipes to easily tighten them

But by the way, what exactly is a pore? ? This is a small hole on the surface of the skin which releases sebum to hydrate naturally our skin. In essence, the pores are not very glamorous, yet essential to maintain healthy skin . Dilated pores are usually due to oily skin, aging or repeated exposure to sun . Genetics also come into play. But don't panic, there are tips houses to apply to your skincare routine to reduce the visibility of your pores, whatever the reason.

The importance of a good routine

Above all, it is important to adopt a healthy lifestyle. and get used to gestures which will limit the appearance of dilated pores . Indeed, a healthy diet is very important to maintain beautiful skin. Green vegetables, fish and rich foods omega-3s galore. Of course, summer like winter , we apply a cream with sun protection before going out. Also prefer the showers warm or cold. Indeed hot water opens the pores. Finally, we exfoliate and cleanse your skin regularly.