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Improve your circulation for youthful skin

The skin is an important organ. Yet its importance should never be underestimated or overlooked. Equally important (perhaps even more important) is good blood circulation, which goes a long way to healthy and beautiful skin. Here are some tips to improve your blood circulation for youthful skin.

Go with the flow
When we hear “circulation”, we think of “flow”, which is what the blood does in our system. It circulates and supplies much-needed oxygen and nutrients to keep us healthy, among other things. Poor blood circulation often leads to many problems and the effects are particularly visible on the skin. How exactly? The elasticity and strength of the skin are affected due to poor blood circulation. This often leads to:

1. Discoloration – Since oxygen is not delivered efficiently (if not delivered at all), skin discoloration in the form of pigmentation and dark spots will appear. The skin tone also appears dull and pale, leading to an unhealthy appearance.

2. Acne eruptions – Poor blood circulation hinders the ability of major organs to function efficiently. As a result, our body is unable to adequately eliminate toxins, and with the increasing accumulation of toxins, they are excreted through the skin, causing acne breakouts and other problems such as itchy and dry skin, including rashes.

3. Scars – Healthy skin can sufficiently repair the damage caused by wounds and lesions, but skin with poor circulation often prolongs the healing process and can sometimes not even heal everything. This results in permanent scars.

4. Wrinkles – Wrinkles can be synonymous with old age, but more often they are caused by poor blood circulation. This happens because the release of much-needed nutrients for collagen production is disrupted.

Improve the flow
The above examples are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to skin problems caused by poor blood circulation. There are measures one can take to promote a better flow:

• Have a healthy and balanced diet with foods that consist of vitamins B, C, D and E. This means that you get your daily recommended fluid intake (water).

• Eliminate bad habits such as smoking, overconsumption of alcohol, staying up late and even eating at irregular times.

• Start with healthy physical activities such as exercise – a simple daily brisk walk is a good start. The key is to be consistent.

• Go for a good relaxing massage as this can promote better blood circulation.