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Stay hydrated:the beauty gesture of summer!

When the sun points the tip of its nose, it is advisable to adapt its beauty routine. To shine throughout the summer, good news, the real beauty gesture could not be simpler:hydrate! And yes, hydration sublimates our skin as much as our hair or our nails, by providing strength and freshness. So how do you stay hydrated? How to moisturize your skin or hair? Here's everything you need to know about hydration.

The benefits of daily hydration

For most of us, drinking a big glass of water or applying moisturizer every morning is a very normal thing. And yet, hydration works miracles for your health of our organism, but also, for the beauty of our skin and our hair.

On the skin side, hydration plays on 2 main axes. First of all, on the beauty and youthfulness of the skin. Well hydrated skin will be more supple , more toned, softer and brighter. Conversely, when the skin is dehydrated, it dulls very quickly, becomes rougher, and wrinkles are more marked. Second role of hydration:protect the skin against aggressions! By combining with the sebum naturally present in the skin tissue, the water creates a shield, protecting the skin from pollution, bad weather and friction.

On the hair side, the mechanics are a bit the same! Moisturized hair will be soft, vigorous, resistant. When they lack water, the scales of the hair fiber open, which makes the hair porous:it no longer retains natural hydration, and reacts strongly to the slightest aggression. So quickly, moisturize your hair fiber!

Internal hydration and external hydration:the winning duo

So how do you stay hydrated during the summer? A real question, because, with the heat and the sun, the phenomenon of natural evaporation of the water contained in the tissues and in the hair fibers is accentuated. Our hair and our skin therefore, more than ever, need to fill up with water!

To maintain a good level of hydration, it is played both internally and externally. It is recommended to drink 1.5 liters of water on average per day. We therefore always keep a bottle of water on hand, and we do not hesitate to vary the pleasures:homemade iced teas, herbal teas, green teas...

Why are we telling you about these plant-based drinks? For the good reason that they are little (or not) sweet, and that certain plants conceal beauty virtues for skin and hair. This is the case, for example, with green tea and white tea:rich in antioxidants, they protect against premature ageing. Also think about food:tomatoes, zucchini, cucumbers, melon or lemon are very rich in water (and vitamins)!

As far as external hydration is concerned, it's simple:moisturize your skin, your hair, your nails, your body, on a daily basis, with suitable products. We explain everything to you.

How to stay hydrated?

Moisturize your skin to sublimate and protect it

Well hydrated skin is skin that you take care of every day. Apply a water-rich moisturizer morning and evening. In the morning to protect your skin from aggressions, in the evening to allow it to regenerate.

At Veld's, we have developed the Pure Pulp Neo Beauty Restoring Gel, ideal in summer to find soft skin ! The must of the must for radiant skin despite exposure? Use Pure Pulp Neo as a mask. Apply the gel in thick layers using a brush on the entire face, and leave on for 15 minutes. Glowing skin is yours!

As for the body, during the summer, apply a moisturizing milk or an after-sun milk every day after showering. Once a week, do a gentle exfoliation then apply a richer moisturizer to enhance your skin (and your tan at the same time)!

Hydrate your hair for a flamboyant mane

Between the sand, the salt, the chlorine, the sun, the heat, our hair bears the brunt of many tortures during the summer ! This is even more true when using tight ties, or heating devices (straighteners, curlers), or when wearing a hat on a daily basis. Result, at the end of the summer, we have more straw than hair worthy of the name.

Not this year ! Use a mild shampoo throughout the summer, and apply a moisturizing conditioner to your ends. with each wash. Limit to the strict minimum heating devices and colorings, which dry out the hair fiber. If you're having a day at the beach or sightseeing, apply a UV protective spray to your hair in the morning. These products are very effective in prevention.

Finally, a little expert tip:after each swim, in the sea or in the pool, systematically rinse your hair (beach shower, water bottle, thermal spray) to get rid of these drying substances as quickly as possible.

How to moisturize your nails?

Like our hair and skin, our nails need care during the summer. Between our vacation adventures and the heat, hands and nails can quickly become damaged, become more brittle, sometimes even yellow or have streaks . It is therefore advisable to moisturize the nails, but be careful:we say moisturize by misuse of language. In reality, the consistency of the nails makes them rather need to be nourished:they have little need for water, they especially need lipids!

The little miracle technique for nails on top all summer long:squeeze half a lemon and mix the juice with a teaspoon of sugar, then soak your nails in this mixture for ten minutes. They come out clean, but they still need to be strengthened:massage them with a little Marula oil or almond oil, let them penetrate for a few minutes, and you diva hands> !