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Perfect skin:here is THE product to (absolutely) apply in winter

Winter puts a strain on our skin

Dryness, red spots or even tightness , the winter cold does not favor our skin . This is why we dread this time of year so much. We must redouble our efforts to ensure that our skin is well hydrated and nourished. We therefore opt for all the treatments offered according to our skin type and we discipline ourselves on our routine . But if you were told that everything you put on your face, all that discipline, is useless if it is not accompanied by a product in particular, able to repair your skin? You would like to know what it is. Spoiler:this is not an overpriced miracle cream. But of a product which you can find everywhere and which are not talked about enough.

Take extra care in winter

You will need to get … a make-up remover balm . Forget micellar water or make-up remover oil (especially for the eyes, it is not pleasant). The make-up remover balm, in addition to being more ecological (there is no need for cotton to remove make-up) effectively removes impurities both related to pollution and make-up while giving your skin all the comfort it deserves. The balm will hydrate your skin, nourish and repair it after the external aggressions it has suffered. It is suitable for sensitive skin but adapts to all skins. And that's why we love him so much. To be sure to have removed all the impurities, use a facial cleanser in addition. There you go, your skin is ready to face (again) the cold.

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