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To wash your face, we prefer the sink to the shower

The shower is the moment of relaxation par excellence, but the little time we have to prepare before leaving for work does not always allow us to relax as we would need. Result:the moment turns into a time-saving mission, and you find yourself washing your body, hair, teeth, face... In short, all at the same time. But according to Charlotte Cho, renowned beautician and founder of the beauty products brand Soko Glam, this last gesture would be bad for the skin. That of the face is indeed more delicate, and the temperature at which we are used to showering would not be suitable.

A practice that weakens the skin

"The hot water that comes out of the shower head and flows directly onto the face helps to strip the skin's natural oils and weaken the skin barrier, which can then be cracked “, explains the expert to the site Buzzfeed . Instead, wash in the sink:lather the cleansing product on your skin for several seconds and rinse everything with warm water. That and the great disillusionment about the ideal way to put on a bra... That's way too many revelations in the same week... Our life has been all lies so far, but we'll get over it, it's I promise!