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Nice butts:whatever works #2

At the gym, we focus on exos that target the buttocks

Obviously, if you can take an abs and glutes class, that's perfect. Solo, several options:use the vertical press (lying down, you push the weight up with your legs) or do a series of squats and lunges or deadlifts (=feet apart the width of your pelvis, you bend your legs keeping your back straight and lift a barbell with weights).

On a daily basis, we adopt “beautiful buttocks” reflexes

As soon as you think about it, whether you're standing or sitting, you contract your buttocks:first for ten seconds and when it becomes easy, you go to twenty seconds, then to thirty, forty... You have to hold the contraction and feel that you are isolating the muscle. “After a while, you should even be able to contract one buttock and not the other! “, explains Abdoulaye Fadiga. We always prefer the stairs to the elevator. If possible, we climb the stairs two by two:climbing a stair especially solicits the thighs, but when we climb two at once, we pass the buttocks below the level of the knee (as for the lunges), so we use the gluteal muscles. If you want to add difficulty, you climb on tiptoe. Finally, we do not hesitate to wear heels, which, in addition to flattering the look, force the glutes to work to stabilize the back.

Already muscular buttocks? We increase the difficulty!

There is no point in multiplying the repetitions to reach this famous burning point, because you risk getting bored (and it takes time to do 300 squats + 300 lunges, etc.). The exercises are made more complex by adding weight, for example a backpack filled with three or four bottles of water, during squats, lunges and leg lifts. Still too easy? Add a jump between each squat or lunge. There, the difficulty should get tougher...

We consume good fats

Yes, not all fats are bad fats! “On the contrary, explains Élodie Cavalier (detox and well-being coach), good fats make it possible to turn the bad ones away and firm up the epidermis. We put the package on foods rich in omega-3, which the body does not store much:fatty fish (tuna, salmon, sardines), flaxseed oil or even seeds (sesame, squash, sunflower, etc.) sprinkle over dishes. We avoid frying and industrial dishes that are rich in saturated fatty acids (=bad fat).

We bet on draining foods

Without it becoming obsessive or mono-diet:the idea is to integrate them in small doses at each meal (or almost). Among the good students, melon and watermelon, kiwi, cucumber, parsley, alfalfa sprouts and asparagus. All fruits and vegetables containing vitamin C are recommended because they help burn fat, strengthen blood vessels and preserve the skin's collagen (=cellulite is less visible):citrus fruits, strawberries, exotic fruits, red fruits, tomatoes and green vegetables such as broccoli, spinach, Brussels sprouts or watercress. Bon appetit!

The secret to pretty buttocks? Combine sport and good eating habits

The buttocks are made up of three types of muscles:the gluteus maximus (or gluteus maximus), which are the largest and most powerful in the body (yes!), the gluteus medius, located at the sides and top of the buttocks , and the small glutes, deeper. To get well rounded buttocks, you have to act on the muscles through sports exercises and adopt good eating habits to play on the amount of fat in the area. If you are overweight or have a lot of cellulite, even if you have super muscular buttocks, it cannot be seen… just like if you have little fat but are not muscular at all , we do not have a pretty figure. Massage, in a salon or at home, also helps to sculpt the area.