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3 easy exercises for firmer buttocks!

Spring is here, so it's time to get back on track to be well in your body on the beach this summer. Here are some tips to have firmer buttocks and therefore less cellulite, this enemy number 1.

1. Do strengthening exercises

You must first know that the buttocks have 3 muscles

- The gluteus maximus or "posterior" which is located at the back of the pelvis and gives the more or less rounded appearance of the buttocks.

- The gluteus medius which is located on the side of the pelvis. It emphasizes the top of the buttocks and gives them curves.

- The small buttocks which is located in depth at the level of the hip.

To firm the buttocks there are many exercises and I will present some of them to you so that you can do an effective session at home.

It is not necessary to do it every day because the muscles used must have at least 48 hours of rest to be able to rebuild properly. In addition, please do the movements well so as not to injure yourself.

The best known is the movement called the squat

To perform this exercise, you just have to stand up, with the legs apart corresponding to the width of the shoulders. Your feet must be parallel to the risk of causing pain in the knee or lower back.
Then, go down as if you were going to sit on an invisible chair (your thighs should be parallel to the floor).

Then, come back up by exhaling and releasing the arms.

Perform this exercise 20 times, take a 30 second break and repeat 3 times (=4 sets of 20 repetitions with 30 second break).

Lunges are also an extremely effective exercise for strengthening the thighs and buttocks

To perform the exercises effectively, you must be standing, legs hip-width apart, back straight and hands on your waist, take a big step forward, then flex your legs on a vertical axis, until achieve a 90° angle at the front knee. In this position, your heel is in line with your knee (the latter must not exceed your tiptoe), and your back leg is parallel to the ground, resting on your tiptoe. Finally, push off with your leg to return to the starting position. You can then either change legs or perform the exercise again on the same side.

Do 4 sets of 15 reps per leg with a 30 second break.

Finally, the bridge is really very effective to lift your buttocks and help eliminate cellulite

To do this, lie on your back, upper body relaxed, feet apart, legs bent. Raise the pelvis to lift the hips slightly off the ground without moving the back. Squeeze the legs against each other by strongly contracting the buttocks. Hold the position. Spread your legs and repeat the movement. Be careful not to bend your back while performing this exercise.

Do 4 sets of 25 repetitions with

2. Bet on a good diet

It is not a secret to have less cellulite and in general to have a harmonious body, it is important to have a good diet. Be careful, a good diet does not mean eliminating all fatty foods and eating only salad. On the contrary, to have beautiful rounded buttocks, it is advisable to bet on good fats of plant origin such as organic rapeseed oil for seasoning, organic olive oil for cooking, almonds, avocados etc… They will replace animal fats such as butter, fresh cream, cheese…

It is also important to consume protein throughout the day even at breakfast (without falling into the high protein diet) in order to increase muscle mass and have a visible result in the buttocks.

Think of vegetable proteins which are just as effective as animal proteins and which you find in legumes (lentils, chickpeas, kidney beans), tofu and cereals.

Finally limit sugars especially refined sugars and industrial products but also sugars hidden in alcohol and sodas.
