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Homemade Mascara:The Easy Recipe For Natural Doe Eyes!

Homemade Mascara:The Easy Recipe For Natural Doe Eyes!

When we put on a mascara, we are far from suspecting that taking a risk to your health...

But yet, it is unfortunately the case!

Indeed, most of the cosmetics that we use on a daily basis contain toxic ingredients...

So how do you make a perfect smokey-eye without toxic ingredients?

Nothing could be easier with this 100% natural recipe, to use in mascara and eyeliner!

Here is the easy recipe for 100% natural mascara &eyeliner to get doe eyes . Watch the easy guide:

Homemade Mascara:The Easy Recipe For Natural Doe Eyes!

Click here to easily print this guide in PDF.

What you need

- 3/4 teaspoon of beeswax

- 1/2 teaspoon coconut oil

- 1/2 teaspoon of shea butter

- 2 teaspoons of aloe vera gel

- 1 vegetable charcoal capsule

- 1 mini-funnel

- 1 tube of mascara

How to

1. Put the beeswax, coconut oil, shea butter and aloe vera in a small saucepan.

2. Heat in a bain-marie over very low heat, until all the ingredients are melted and well mixed.

3. Open the capsule to add the charcoal powder and mix.

4. Use a small funnel to transfer your mixture into a tube of mascara or eyeliner.


Homemade Mascara:The Easy Recipe For Natural Doe Eyes!

There you go, your 100% natural mascara is ready to use :-)

Easy, fast and effective, right?

It's still better than putting toxic products on your eyes!

What's more, the advantage of this mascara is that you can also use it as an eyeliner!

Just put the mixture in an eyeliner bottle like this one.

How to make a successful eyeliner line?

Homemade Mascara:The Easy Recipe For Natural Doe Eyes!

1. With an eyeliner brush, draw a line from the outer corner of your upper eyelid to the tip of the eyelashes.

2. Draw another line from the tip of your first line towards the inner corner of the eye.

3. Continue to draw a flush line from the top lash to the inner corner of your eye.

4. Fill in the rest of your line by blending the eyeliner.

There you go, you've achieved a perfect smokey-eye… and 100% natural!

Additional advice

- Use an old mascara tube and a brush to apply mascara &eyeliner.

- To clean the mascara tube, soak it in very hot water for 10 minutes, then rinse thoroughly.

- If you don't have a funnel, pour the mixture into a small plastic bag. Then, cut a corner of the bag and press on it to transfer the mixture into the mascara tube without getting it everywhere.

Homemade Mascara:The Easy Recipe For Natural Doe Eyes!

Your turn…

Have you tried this easy 100% natural mascara &eyeliner recipe? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to read you!